The first half of American history
The first half of American history – the period we have covered this term – saw the rise and persistence of a
number of themes that remain with us, some way or another, to the present day. Consider, for example, such ongoing issues as the role of government in the economic affairs; relations between America and other countries; the dynamics of race or gender in American life; the place of religion in American culture; the place of immigrants in American society; or, the contested meanings of freedom, or equality, in national life.
For this assignment, find a recent news article from the current week relating to a present-day issue that, in some form or another, existed as an issue in America during the period covered in this course. (This article should be from an on-line newspaper — e.g., the New York Times or Washington Post — or news magazine — e.g., Newsweek or Time). Open your commentary with a brief description of the article itself. Then, reflect on how the underlying issue had a significant presence during the first half of American history (i.e., the period up to 1877). In what ways, between then and now, does the issue appear similar? In what ways does it appear different?
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