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The History of Public Health and the Role of the Nurse Leader in the Community Using Chapter 2 in the course textbook, your assigned reading on the role of the nurse in a specific public health setting, and this week’s media presentation, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: APA style with references Trace the history of the public health nurse including the contributions made by Lillian Wald and the Henry Street Settlement. Also, summarize the role of the nurse leader in the community.

The History of Public Health and the Role of the Nurse Leader in the Community

Using Chapter 2 in the course textbook, your assigned reading on the role of the nurse in a specific public health setting, and this week’s media presentation, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: APA style with references

Trace the history of the public health nurse including the contributions made by Lillian Wald and the Henry Street Settlement. Also, summarize the role of the nurse leader in the community.

Include the following in your summary:

  • Explain how the core functions nurse leader in the community and the standards of practice are met with the nurse leader in the community.
  • Describe the population served by the nurse leader in the community.
  • Which interventions might the nurse leader in the community utilize?
  • Explain the level of practice used in this practice setting (primary/secondary/tertiary).
  • Describe an ethical dilemma that might be encountered by the nurse leader in the community

The post The History of Public Health and the Role of the Nurse Leader in the Community Using Chapter 2 in the course textbook, your assigned reading on the role of the nurse in a specific public health setting, and this week’s media presentation, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: APA style with references Trace the history of the public health nurse including the contributions made by Lillian Wald and the Henry Street Settlement. Also, summarize the role of the nurse leader in the community. appeared first on

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