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I need someone to look over my paper and help me answer a few questions that help go into more detail of my paragraphs.

I attached my paper. Here are the questions that I have to answer to break down my paper into more manageable sections (it’s what the school uses and its completely useless but mandatory). Just want to make sure I have covered everything and I missed the peer-review last week.

Introduction Paragraph: What is the topic of your essay? How do you plan to grab your reader’s attention at the beginning of your essay?

Introduction Paragraph: What is your thesis statement?

Supporting Paragraph 1: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 1: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 1: Explain how this evidence supports your point.

Supporting Paragraph 2: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 2: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 2: Explain how this evidence supports your point.

Supporting Paragraph 3: What is the first main point or reason of your paper?

Supporting Paragraph 3: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

Supporting Paragraph 3: Explain how this evidence supports your point.

Supporting Paragraph 4: How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above?

Conclusion Paragraph: What were the most important points you made in the responses above?

Conclusion Paragraph: Reiterate your thesis statement. Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph.

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