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The mean value of land and buildings per acre

The mean value of land and buildings per acre from a

sample of farms is ​$1400​, with a standard deviation of ​$200. The data set has a​ bell-shaped distribution.

Assume the number of farms in the sample is 79.

​(a) Use the empirical rule to estimate the number of farms whose land and building values per acre are between ​$1200 and ​$1600.

______? farms ​(Round to the nearest whole number as​ needed.)

​(b) If 27

27 additional farms were​ sampled, about how many of these additional farms would you expect to have land and building values between ​$1200 per acre and ​$1600 per​ acre?

_____? farms out of 27 ​(Round to the nearest whole number as​ needed.)

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