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The software company


The software company NikSoft is selling a new defense against DDoS attacks. Their software looks at the soure IP

address on all incoming packets, and if it finds any IP address that accounts for more than 1% of traffic over the last hour, it installs an entry in the router that blocks all packets from that address for the next 24 hours. Their marketing folks are claiming that this will stop all DDoS attacks.

Please select the attack(s) that will not be stopped by their software:

A. +100 zombies flooding the victim network’s link (each zombie consumes less than 1% of traffic)

B. Forged source addresses to evade detection.

C. Overwhelm resources at the end host (e.g., CPU, memory, etc) without filling the network pipe.

D. Forged source addresses to look like they come from a singular trusted source. This will prevent the source from accessing the site. For example, if PSU used this software, an attacker could prevent Dr. Jones from being able to reach by sending a large number of packets whose IP addresses have been forged to look like they came from Dr. Jones.

E. None of the above attacks will go through (i.e., all attacks will be blocked by the software).

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