The TaskThe primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues
The TaskThe primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific
emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing no less than 6-7 pages of text PER STUDENT.
Thesis Statement:
The inclusion of plumbing technology into the history of civilization has had such a profound impact on society that modern culture is now dependent upon and cannot function without it.
Using this outline:
A.Water treatment
1.How the system works
2.Safety of water systems
B.Pollution control
C.Legislative & regulatory issues
1.Laws of plumbing & sewer standards
D.Renewable energy technolog
1.Latest technology in the industry
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentMeshelle FreshwaterReference ReviewTeam B -67Brooks, V. A. (2015). Understanding Water Treatment Processes. Tech Direc±ons, 75(1), 22. Retrievedon 3 13, 2016 from,h²p:// ar±cle is to explain how the water treatment process goes. The ar±cle discusses water treatmentprocesses and the opera±on of a modern water treatment plant as of 2015. Topics covered include theuse of lakes, rivers, and reservoirs as common surface water sources, the pretreatment of raw water, andthe processes of coagula±on, ²occula±on, sedimenta±on, ³ltra±on, disinfec±on, and corrosion control.Bozkurt, I., Karakilcik, M., & Dincer, I. (2014). Water desalina±on technologies u±lizing conven±onaland renewable energy sources. Interna±onal Journal Of Low Carbon Technologies, 9(1), 1-19.doi:10.1093/ijlct/cts052Water is one of the earth’s most abundant resources, covering about three-quarters of the planet’ssurface. Yet, there is an acute shortage of potable water in many countries, especially in Africa and theMiddle East region. The reason for this apparent contradic±on is, of course, that∼97.5% of the earth’swater is salt water in the oceans and only 2.5% is fresh water in ground water, lakes and rivers and thissupplies most human and animal needs. Tackling the water scarcity problem must involve be´er andmore economic ways of desalina±ng seawater. This ar±cle presents a comprehensive review of waterdesalina±on systems, whether operated by conven±onal energy or renewable energy, to convert salinewater into fresh water. These systems comprise the thermal phase change and membrane processes, inaddi±on to some alterna±ve processes. Thermal processes include the mul±stage ²ash, mul±ple eµectsboiling and vapour compression, cogenera±on and solar dis±lla±on, while the membrane processesinclude reverse osmosis, electrodialysis and membrane dis±lla±on.Roberts, A. S. (2011). Technology and Engineering: Sanitary and Storm Water Treatment. Technology &Engineering Teacher, 70(7), 4-12.The ar±cle focuses on the issue of trea±ng sanitary water. Crea±ng and sustaining a viable sanitary sewersystem is one of the most essen±al components to the development of a healthy community. Thesurvival of the inhabitants depends on the elimina±on of human waste and water puri³ca±on. Duringheavy rainfall or snowmelt, the wastewater volume in a combined sewer system can exceed the capacityof the sewer system or treatment plant. So the combined sewer systems are designed to over²ow anddischarge excess wastewater directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water bodies.Flint water crisis: Lawmakers target aid; biz provides help. (2016). Crain’s Detroit Business, 32(5), 0004.Team B (67)Devry UniversityDr. David Scoma
The artcle repor±s on ±he approval by ±he U.S. House and Sena±e on January 28, 2016 of millions inemergency aid ±o Flin±, Michigan in response ±o ±he ci±y’s wa±er con±aminaton crisis. Topics coveredinclude e²or±s by local and natonal businesses ±o help ci±y residen±s, ±he estma±ed damage ±o Flin±’swa±er dis±ributon infras±ruc±ure, and de±ails of ±he approved s±a±e spending bill.Shaheed, A., Orgill, J., Montgomery, M. A., Jeuland, M. A., & Brown, J. (2014). Why ‘improved’ watersources are not always safe. BulleTn Of ±he World Health OrganizaTon, 92(4), 283-289 7p.doi:10.2471/BL±.13.119594Existng and proposed me±rics for household drinking-wa±er services are in±ended ±o measure ±heavailabili±y, safe±y and accessibili±y of wa±er sources. However, ±hese a³ribu±es can be highly variableover tme and space and ±his variaton complica±es ±he ±ask of creatng and implementng simple andscalable me±rics. In ±his paper, we highligh± ±hose fac±ors–especially ±hose ±ha± rela±e ±o so-calledimproved wa±er sources – ±ha± con±ribu±e ±o variabili±y in wa±er safe±y bu± may no± be generallyrecognized as impor±an± by non-exper±s. Problems in ±he provision of wa±er in adequa±e quanttes andof adequa±e quali±y–in±errela±ed problems ±ha± are o´en inµuenced by human behaviour – maycon±ribu±e ±o an increased risk of poor heal±h.Team B (67)Devry Universi±yDr. David Scoma