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Thirty percent of all sales are for cash; the remaining 70% are on account. Creditsales have the following collection pattern: Collected in the month of sale 60% Collected in the month following sale 35 Uncollectible 5 Prepare a schedule of cash collections for May through July. Compute the expected balance in Accounts Receivable as of July 31.

Thirty percent of all sales are for cash; the remaining 70% are on account. Creditsales have the f

ollowing collection pattern:

Collected in the month of sale60%
Collected in the month following sale35
Uncollectible  5
  1. Prepare a schedule of cash collections for May through July.
  2. Compute the expected balance in Accounts Receivable as of July 31.
  3. The following information has been extracted from the firm’s accounting records:
    • 1)Allsalesaremadeonaccountat$20perunit.Sixtypercentofthesalesarecollectedinthemonthofsale;theremaining40%arecollectedinthefollowingmonth.Forecastedsalesforthefirst5monthsof20X2areasfollows:January,1,500units;February,1,600units;March,1,800units;April,2,000units;andMay,2,100units.
    • 2)Managementwantstomaintainthefinishedgoodsinventoryat30%ofthefollowingmonth’ssales.
    • 3)Watsonusesfourunitsofdirectmaterialineachfinishedunit.Thedirectmaterialpricehasbeenstableandisexpectedtoremainsooverthenext6months.Managementwantstomaintaintheendingdirectmaterialsinventoryat60%ofthefollowingmonth’sproductionneeds.
    • 4)Seventypercentofallpurchasesarepaidinthemonthofpurchase;theremaining30%arepaidinthesubsequentmonth.
    • 5)Watson’sproductrequires30minutesofdirectlabortime.Eachhourofdirectlaborcosts$7.
    1. Roundingcomputationstothenearestdollar,preparethefollowingforJanuarythroughMarch:
      • 1)Salesbudget
      • 2)Scheduleofcashcollections
      • 3)Productionbudget
      • 4)Directmaterialpurchasesbudget
      • 5)Scheduleofcashdisbursementsformaterialpurchases
      • 6)Directlaborbudget
    2. DeterminethebalancesinthefollowingaccountsasofMarch31:
      • 1)AccountsReceivable
      • 2)DirectMaterials
      • 3)AccountsPayable
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