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This assignment requires you to read Dr. Brene Brown’s current description

Chapter 3 (Smith & Davis, pg. 52) lists the five (5) characteristics of qualitative research. 
This assignment requires you to read Dr. Brene Brown’s  current description of what she calls her study of WHOLEHEARTED LIVING.  (Links to an external site.)   You may also view the published journal article (Links to an external site.) (links are found in the supplemental materials section of this week’s module) as an additional reference.
DESCRIBE/EXPLAIN HOW Dr. Brown’s research exemplifies (or does not exemplify) the characteristics of qualitative research. Please list/provide your response numerically (1., 2., 3., 4., 5.) based on each characteristic, AND state an example or be as specific as you can about how Dr. Brown’s work meets the characteristics of qualitative research.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Due Monday by 11:59pm

Points 10
Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Available after Jul 2 at 8am

Does ice cream cause murder? Should we reduce or ban the production and sales of ice cream? 
This popular study has been used to explain how correlation does NOT imply causation.
Correlation is a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things. Causation, on the other hand, is the action of causing something. In short, the difference is that two things can be correlated, but that doesn’t mean that one thing caused the other.
Going back to the ice cream example, it’s true that ice cream sales and murder rates are positively correlated. However, there is no scientific evidence that shows that ice cream causes one to commit murder.
The objective of this assignment is to help you better understand why it is a mistake to draw causal conclusions from correlation data, as well give you an opportunity to practice examining research studies for alternate variables.
For each “study” listed below, propose an explanation for the results other than the one suggested in the headline. State one variable and why this is a possible explanation. (You do not need to cite an actual study or article to prove that the variable you propose is valid as I listed in the sample answer below. You just need to explain why you think the variable you proposed could be a viable alternative.)
Example: For the study above, a variable to consider would be heat. People eat more ice cream during the summer months when the temperatures rise. There is a possibility that heat can affect a person’s mood, such as agitation or aggression.
(New York Times article:  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.In New York, Number of Killings Rises With Heat (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Don’t live together if you want to stay married. So says a nationwide study of over 2000 couples. The study found that couples that had lived together before getting married were 2.3 times as likely to get divorced as couples who had not lived together.
If you want to perk up your sex life, drink more coffee.  That’s the suggestion of a study published recently in a leading health journal.  Researchers found that couples that regularly drank coffee reported nearly three times as much sexual activity as couples who did not drink coffee.  Coffee sales are expected to increase.
Parents around the country are withdrawing their children from small colleges.  Their action comes after a release of a survey last week that found that students attending small colleges (less than 2000 students) consumed an average of 7.2 alcoholic beverages a week.  By comparison, those attending large schools (more than 20, 000 students) consumed an average of 4.5 alcoholic drinks.  Parents speculated that the pressures of the small college environment were pushing their children to drin
paper 3
Peralta Community College District (PCCD) conducts various surveys to students to measure various attitudes, opinions, etc. This survey (Links to an external site.) was initiated by a group of students at Merritt College.
The results from three (3) questions were presented. Notice the types of questions used based on the results presented. The first question was a yes-no question. The second question was a multiple-choicequestion, and the third question used a Likert-Type scale.
If you were conducting this survey, what FORCED ALTERNATIVE QUESTION OR OPEN-ENDED QUESTION would you include in this survey? (Note: If you can answer yes or no to your question, it is not an open-ended question.)
If you have questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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