This is due midnight tonight!! I need help with this lab!!
This is due midnight tonight!! I need help with this lab!! Second try putting it up!!
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentCIS336: Lab5: Joining TablesLAB OVERVIEWScenario and SummaryLab 5 will introduce the concept of mulT-table JOINS in order to work with data in two or more relatedtables simultaneously.±his lab may be completed using either DeVry’s Omnymbus EDUPE-APP labenvironment, or a local copy of the MySQL database running on your own computer using the OMdatabase tables. ±he lab will uTlize a set of tables that are represented by the ERD (OM_ERD.docx) andare created and populated by the script Fle (create_OM_db.sql).²ollow the instrucTons in the FleCreateOMTables.docxto create your database, tables, and data.A few IMPORTANT things to note if using EDUPE MySQL:**±here can be NO SPACES in alias names given to a column.²or example:Select unit_price as “Retail Price “ from items;–this does NO± work in EDUPE MySQL.Any of the following WILL WORK:Select unit_price as “RetailPrice” from items;Select unit_price as “Retail_Price” from items;Select unit_price as Retail_Price from items;Select unit_price as RetailPrice from items;**Any calculated Felds MUS± be given an alias (and note above NO SPACES in alias).²or example:select unit_price * 2 from items;–this does NO± work in EDUPE MySQL±his will work:select unit_price * 2 as NewPrice from items;DeliverablesLab Report (Answer Sheet) containing both the student-created SQL command(s) for eachexercise, and the output showing the results obtained.Be sure your name is on the Fle.LAB STEPS:Complete each of the exercises below:CIS336 lab 5 InstrucTonsPage 1
View the Answer1. Use the JOIN ON syntax to write a query to display the order id, order date, customer name formaTedas a single Feld (i.e. “±om Jones”) with a heading of Customer, and customer_cityfor customers residingin the state of OHIO.Sort the output to display the newest orders Frst.2.Use the JOIN USING syntax to display the order_id, order date, and shipdate for orders to Karina Lacythat have shipped.3. Use the implicit join syntax (the WHERE clause) to display the last name, city, order date and ship datefor all orders shipped in 2012.4. Use any join syntax EXCEP± NA±URAL JOIN to list the customer_Frst_name and customer_last_nameconcatenated with an intervening space as Customer, customer city and state formaTed as a singlecolumn in the format of “city, S±” with a heading of Loca²on, order_id and order date for orders thathave not shipped.5.List the customer name, order date, zipcode for any customer(s) placing an order for the item ²tled‘Etcetera”.6.Write a query to list the ²tle and ar²st of ONLY the items that have been ordered.Only list each ²tleonce.7.Write a query to list the ²tle and price of all items that have been ordered by customer Millerton.8. Write a query to list the last name and order id of customers that ordered any items by the ar²st BurtRuggles?9. Write a query to display a list of ²tles alongwith the ar²st name., sorted by ar²st name.10.Write a query to display an invoice for order 693 including the ²tle, quanty, price, and a calculatedcolumn to display the line item subtotal (quan²ty ²mes price) with a heading of Subtotal.11.Display the order id, last name,²tle , and quan²ty for any items where customers have ordered 2 ormore of a par²cular item in an order.CIS336 lab 5 Instruc²onsPage 2