This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
The charities must be SAMH and Scottish SPCA – critically analyse the need for, and impact of digital marketing technologies on these organisations using appropriate digital marketing, marketing and management theory.
Hello again, I have specifically chosen yourself to write this essay as you scored the lowest on my plagiarism checker which I was highly pleased about as I cannot be sent to the plagiarism panel again. I scored a 62/100 on essay 7033369869, that you completed! Which is the equivalent to an a C I would preferably like a higher score for this one please as I’m in my last year, I’m willing to give more money and use yourself frequently if it scores and A.You must use the attached academic sources attached below and other relevant journals! In addition, I have attached the marking scheme for this report and a detailed powerpoint related to one of the charities.Many Thanks in advance!Hey– please view below for what is needed within the report!The report should be 3000 words.A written report which will answer the following question: How can charities (SAMH and Scottish SPCA) in Scotland embrace digital tools and technologies to improve their competitive position? The charities must be SAMH and Scottish SPCA – critically analyse the need for, and impact of digital marketing technologies on these organisations using appropriate digital marketing, marketing and management theory. The assessment should include the following: • Provide an extensive overview of the charity sector within Scotland • Identify the challenges facing charities and third sector organisations around adopting digital tools and technologies (utilising relevant digital marketing theories and academic resources) • Critical analysis of two third sector organisations (SAMH and one other) in terms of their current digital tools and technologies used • Discussion on how the SAMH can reach new audiences using digital tools and technologiesLayout The layout of the report should include the below;1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Main Body 3.1 • Provide an extensive overview of the charity sector within Scotland 3.2 • Identify the challenges facing charities and third sector organisations around adopting digital tools and technologies (utilising relevant digital marketing theories and academic resources) 3.3 • Critical analysis of two third sector organisations (SAMH and one other) in terms of their current digital tools and technologies used > How much growth after using these methods > How much each charity spent on digital marketing 3.4 • Discussion on how the SAMH can reach new audiences using digital tools and technologies3.5 • Similarities between the both charities 4.0 • Recommendations for both charities for future digital marketing techniques 5.0 Conclusion References Appendices
think about how this novel might be considered a “family saga” or an “American saga.” READ FROM page 183 till the end
Question Based on the short story “Was it a Dream by Guy de
Based on the short story “Was it a Dream by Guy de Maupassant who is often characterized as a pessimistic and cynical writer. Do you think that this depiction applies in “Was It a Dream?” What is your response to the portrayal of human nature in this ghost story? Prepare a short thesis statement in which you either support or challenge the views of human nature presented in this story. Support your position with your own experiences or observations.Please only choose one sided that human nature is not kind.Personal EssayMLA StyleIntroduction paragraph is to include a strong thesisThree supporting paragraphsConclusionPage numbers
Question Following on your Topic Selection (Module/Week 2) and Annotated Bibliography (Module/Week 4),
Following on your Topic Selection (Module/Week 2) and Annotated Bibliography (Module/Week 4), you will now write a 1,000- to 1,200-word paper about one of the non-traditional views of the days of Genesis 1 and compare/contrast it with a traditional 24-hour day, young-Earth view of Genesis 1. The paper must follow current Turabian format, as this is the preferred format for the Society of Biblical Literature. The paper will be divided into the following sections:1. A title page. See the example in Turabian format at 2. A 100- to 150-word abstract that summarizes the purpose and findings of your paper.3. A 350- to 400-word “Overview of [Non-traditional View]” section that documents the view’s origin and its specific take on the days of Genesis 1. The goal of this section is to present the non-traditional view concisely but fairly, without editorial comment or counterarguments. Describe and discuss this view as if it were being presented by a well-informed proponent. Topics to address include, but are not limited to:a. Where and when this view entered the theological discussion on origins.b. The specific view of how the Hebrew word “day” is translated or understood in Genesis 1.c. How Creation Week is treated as a whole (e.g., as a historical sequence, literary convention, non-historical myth, etc.).d. Does this view make specific claims about the timing of creation in history or not? For example, does the view require an ancient Earth and universe, or does it specify if/when the days correspond to Earth history?4. A 400- to 450-word “Response to [Non-traditional View]” section that critically evaluates the nontraditional view from young-Earth creation sources. The goal of this section is to engage with the non-traditional view, evaluating and responding to its claims. Topics to address include, but are not limited to: a. How the non-traditional view interprets “day” accurately or inaccurately in Genesis 1.b. Points of agreement/disagreement with the sequence of creation events in Genesis 1 as espoused by young-Earth creation.c. Implications for changes to historical Biblical timelines, such as the age of creation, time of creation of Adam, and/or other events recorded in the early passages of Genesis (e.g., Noah’s flood).d. Does this view require significant changes to, or rethinking of, important Christian doctrines?5. A 150- to 200-word conclusion summarizing your findings and providing your perspective of the views presented.6. A bibliography of references used (minimum of five references; you may use up to ten sources for the paper). This bibliography does not need annotations; only the reference material is required.
PLEASE LIST PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS -AUTISM MANDATORY TO HAVE 3 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES. CANNOT JUST LIST THEM YOU HAVE TO EXPAND ON THEM AND DOCUMENT REFERENCE. ALSO, YOU MUST LIST WHAT IMMUNIZATIONS THE CHILD SHOULD HAVE REACHED BY THEIR CURRENT AGE. PLEASE MAKE UP A SOAP NOTE USING AN AUTISTIC PATIENT. PLEASE MAKE UP A PATIENT.EXAMPLE OF SOAP NOTE IS PUT IN ADDITIONAL MATERIALS.CORRECTIONS FOR SAMPLE SOAP – MUST EXPAND ON THE DIFFERENTIALS WITH SUPPORTING REFERENCE.MUST LIST ALL IMMUNIZATIONS CHILD SHOULD HAVE HAD UP TO DAY THEY WERE SEEN.Select a patient who you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind, address the following in a SOAP Note:•Subjective: What details did the patient or parent provide regarding the personal and medical history? Include any discrepancies between the details provided by the child and details provided by the parent, as well as possible reasons for these discrepancies.•Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment? Include pertinent positive and negative physical exam findings. Describe whether the patient presented with any growth and development or psychosocial issues.•Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?•Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management? Include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.•Reflection notes: What was your “aha” moment? What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?
ncidence, severity and risk factors of peripheral intravenous cannula-induced complications: An observational prospective study
Hi there. This work is great, however a section of the assessment requirements have not been addressed. In the Critique tool I originally uploaded, it states that there needs to be a paragraph on quantitative and qualitative data. The article is quantitative and so there needs to be a section about this. Is there anyway this can be reviewed and adjusted please? Thank you very much for your assistance. Kindest regards, JI had to place a new order as you completed the work over 14 days ago, sorry about that.
The Immeasurable World by William Atkins
This is a book review paper on the book The Immeasurable World by William Atkins.NOTE:Make sure the paper is tied to some of the terms from the HISTORY course World Civilizations and the Book.Apply concept or idea from the course to assigned book.This should be a full length 2 pages long with strong thesis, body and conclusion, its for my Seminar senior class, so please attend to it carefully.-Must use footnotes for citations.-Include page numbers.-Use external resources guardedly.-Attach work cited page.-Must be double spaced, 12 point New Times Roman type.-Margins should be no more than one inch from the sides, top and bottom.-Thesis statement must appear in the first paragraph.
Question Instructions :his activity requires the creation of a report on a unique
Instructions :his activity requires the creation of a report on a unique crime prevention strategy or innovative program or practice within your selected nation that you believe could be imported. This report will include background information on the nation, an overview and analysis of the relevant institutions associated with the innovation, relevant data to contextualize the issue, a section detailing the innovation, and lastly an assessment as to the viability of importing the policy or program. This report will be 15-pages (5,250 words) and will include 15 peer-reviewed resources and 10 non-peer-reviewed resources.Class, as you are writing your report this week, I wanted to include the rubric, so you are aware of the key components of the paper and how each is assessed. World Of Crime Considerations Grade Rubric5,250 Words of Content Objective 10 1015 Peer-Reviewed Resources Objective 10 1010 Non-Peer-Reviewed Resources Objective 10 10Mechanics Sentences are complete and grammatical. They flow together easily. Words are well chosen; they express the intended meaning precisely. 10 10Introduction Clearly identifies the purpose of the paper and the importance of the analysis. 15 15Contextualization of The Nation The reader is provided with an adequate foundation enhancing the discussion of the innovation. 25 25An Overview and Analysis of The Relevant Institutions Associated with The Innovation The associated institutions are properly detailed for the reader. 25 25Identification and Discussion of The Impetus for The Innovation The reader is provided with a detailed analysis of the conditions associated with the innovation. Data is provided to the reader to substantiate the claims. Data may reflect qualitative or quantitative sources. 35 35Detailed Overview of The Innovation The reader is provided a detailed overview of the innovation, including identification of the key stakeholders, a discussion of the innovation – as implemented, and any outcome measures associated with its success. 70 70Viability of Importing the Policy or Program The viability analysis is well-supported. Additionally, the analysis displays a thorough understanding of the limitations and opportunities associated with policy importation. 40 40Final 250 250
The charities must be SAMH and Scottish SPCA – critically analyse the need for, and impact of digital marketing technologies on these organisations using appropriate digital marketing, marketing and management theory.
Hello again, I have specifically chosen yourself to write this essay as you scored the lowest on my plagiarism checker which I was highly pleased about as I cannot be sent to the plagiarism panel again. I scored a 62/100 on essay 7033369869, that you completed! Which is the equivalent to an a C I would preferably like a higher score for this one please as I’m in my last year, I’m willing to give more money and use yourself frequently if it scores and A.You must use the attached academic sources attached below and other relevant journals! In addition, I have attached the marking scheme for this report and a detailed powerpoint related to one of the charities.Many Thanks in advance!Hey– please view below for what is needed within the report!The report should be 3000 words.A written report which will answer the following question: How can charities (SAMH and Scottish SPCA) in Scotland embrace digital tools and technologies to improve their competitive position? The charities must be SAMH and Scottish SPCA – critically analyse the need for, and impact of digital marketing technologies on these organisations using appropriate digital marketing, marketing and management theory. The assessment should include the following: • Provide an extensive overview of the charity sector within Scotland • Identify the challenges facing charities and third sector organisations around adopting digital tools and technologies (utilising relevant digital marketing theories and academic resources) • Critical analysis of two third sector organisations (SAMH and one other) in terms of their current digital tools and technologies used • Discussion on how the SAMH can reach new audiences using digital tools and technologiesLayout The layout of the report should include the below;1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Main Body 3.1 • Provide an extensive overview of the charity sector within Scotland 3.2 • Identify the challenges facing charities and third sector organisations around adopting digital tools and technologies (utilising relevant digital marketing theories and academic resources) 3.3 • Critical analysis of two third sector organisations (SAMH and one other) in terms of their current digital tools and technologies used > How much growth after using these methods > How much each charity spent on digital marketing 3.4 • Discussion on how the SAMH can reach new audiences using digital tools and technologies3.5 • Similarities between the both charities 4.0 • Recommendations for both charities for future digital marketing techniques 5.0 Conclusion References Appendices
Analysis of film and film theory
A analysis of film and and film theory. You’ll identify that directors technical competence, internal meaning, and singular voice using the elementsin, at least, two films that work to establish it throughout your chosen director’s oeuvre. Chosen movies “Snake Eyes” and “Scarface” both directed by Brian De Palma.
Critical Analysis Essay of a Case Study
please read the marking criteria, webinar, the list of sources and case study to be able to do an excellent job.
Footage from LAPD body and car cameras
Instructions: Should the camera footage from LAPD body and car cameras be publicly available? Answer this question drawing explicitly on the course readings. Consider how Kant, Smith, Foucault, and Bentham would answer this question in your paper.
its about a poem on youtube.
Please open the link below to listen to a poem “Poema XX” by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. As you listen and read the words in Spanish, think about what the poem could represent. Let’s analyze the language for clues. 1. Can you find five cognates in the poem? Please list them. 2. These words belong to a thematic category: astros, viento, cielo, rocío, árboles. What is the category? (Example: brazos, ojos, corazón, cuerpo, voz.The category is: Attributes of the human body. 3. How many times does the poet mention aspects related to love? Please list two examples. 4. How many times does the poet mention the word ‘triste’? 5. In analyzing the language, we can figure out a theme. What do you think this poem is about, in general? Explain your response. (Please don’t look for the translation of the poem, as this defeats the purpose of the learning activity). You may be surprised at how many words you already know. grading will be 20% per question
Question This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not
This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not sure which ‘type of paper’ to select when making the order. Instructions:This assignment is a continuation of assessment 1 (I have attached assessment 1 to this order) in that you are required to apply the remaining principles of EBP to evaluate, appraise and synthesise evidence with the aim of answering the question from assessment 1. (The research question from assessment 1 was “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquiredinfections in patients?”)Make sure you carefully read your feedback from assignment 1 as you may need to review your search protocol and conduct a further search to locate the best available evidence to answer the question. Task:From your pool of 10 articles from assignment 1, choose a minimum of four articles (research papers only). You will need to attach a screenshot of the abstract for each article at the end of your assignment as an appendix.Write a literature review of the findings to the answerable question from your chosen articles. In your discussion of the findings, you will also integrate appraisal of the research conducted. At the end of your review, provide recommendations for best practice relevant to the answerable question to ensure safe and effective care is provided.Further instructions on the task and resources on how to write a literature review will be attached as a file. Refer to the SNM Guide to Assignment Presentation and Submission to finalise your paper.The SNM assessment rubric will be used to mark this assignment.
Dutch and Danish Belief legends compared.
I use “belief legends” as the correct term for fairy-tales recorded from everyday people, i.e. stories that were part of local beliefs. Please elaborate the themes highlighted in pink. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.ESSENTIAL RESOURCES:Danish folklore database Folkore database:http://www.verhalenbank.nlJoint database (not fully functional)https://search.isebel.euTo get sufficient search results, you must use google translate to find the respective search terms in Dutch and Danish, also use google translate for any foreign text so you can understand and describe its meaning.- MERMAIDS (8 pages)Add 8 pages to existing text, expand on Danish folktales and make a comparison with the dutch ones.- The role of a pact with the Devil in Dutch and Danish belief legends (12 pages)Good reference point: approximately my work on Mermaids and explore how a pact with the devil is intertwined in the dutch and danish belief legend culture. Compare how this pact may differ in both countries.- The role of witches in Dutch and Danish belief legends 15 ppFollow the style the mermaids chapter i’ve included, explore the role of witches in Dutch and Danish belief legends, and if their geographical distribution is to any relevance. Explore if there’s differences between the two countries.(dutch keyword for witch: Heks)- Evolution of fairytale illustration (15 pages)Describe the evolution of fairytale illustration, underlining that initially orally transmitted folktales would not be illustrated, but that they were a common theme in the arts and manuscripts, and that with improving printing techniques this would have changed. Please accompany this with illustrations (which do not count as text on pages.) John D. Batten and Henry Justice Ford are nice examples from the 19th century. Warwick Goble from the 20th. (just to name a few). Please try to find also very old illustrations from medieval times (there’s a lot on early medieval legends like the Swan Knight for example). Please focus on North-Western Europe, and in particular The Netherlands and Denmark, but there’s room for some excursions as a lot of very nice quality imagery comes from elsewhere. You could comment on how foreign works differ from Dutch and Danish works.(some examples, but clearly not all there is out there)
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table
This is excel program – Changing Data 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
its about a poem on youtube.
Please open the link below to listen to a poem “Poema XX” by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. As you listen and read the words in Spanish, think about what the poem could represent. Let’s analyze the language for clues. 1. Can you find five cognates in the poem? Please list them. 2. These words belong to a thematic category: astros, viento, cielo, rocío, árboles. What is the category? (Example: brazos, ojos, corazón, cuerpo, voz.The category is: Attributes of the human body. 3. How many times does the poet mention aspects related to love? Please list two examples. 4. How many times does the poet mention the word ‘triste’? 5. In analyzing the language, we can figure out a theme. What do you think this poem is about, in general? Explain your response. (Please don’t look for the translation of the poem, as this defeats the purpose of the learning activity). You may be surprised at how many words you already know. grading will be 20% per question
Question I have attached the questions an instructions. you also have to follow
I have attached the questions an instructions. you also have to follow these comments: 1) You need to find 10 newspaper articles which will be handed in with your assignment. The articles should be from 2018 or 2019 only.2)These newspaper articles must be scanned or saved as PDF files and uploaded to the Blackboard in the appropriate area within the assessment tab. Please note we will not accept links to the articles.
Question correction of paper 1 as per the supervisors comments and alignment of
correction of paper 1 as per the supervisors comments and alignment of paper 2 i have placed order for 15pages and included the papers – pls follow the formats and refernce styles exactly – Bruce said hewould give me a a feature free – i would like a top writer and one page summary
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