This is for Project Risk assessment
I have created a Stakeholder analysis for the construction of a house . This is for Project Risk assessment
class and now need to build the project sizing tool and im a bit tired and confused on what to do and how to build it. Im currently away with the Army and time is a factor as it needs to be submitted tonight
Its on the last page ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentPROJ420 Project Risk ManagementStakeholder AnalysisStakeholder(David)Area of Interest(Donald)ATtude(+/-)Power(Lynda)(+/-)Interest(Nestor)(+/-)Stakeholder ±ypeDirect StakeholdersClient(Soldier)Recipient ofNew Home+(Savior)Powerful, withhigh interest levelLowHas the power todecide what theywould like in thehome.+Manage CloselyExternalStakeholderProject ManagerKeeping all on±rack for deliveryof new home+(Savior)Powerful, withhigb interest levelHighPower to tell theworkers what todo.+Keep sa²sFedInternalStakeholderProject SponsorKeeping aneye on thebudget.+(Sleeping Giant)Poerful withsupport butneeds to raisetheircommitmentHighPower to takebackcontributions.+ Keep SatisfiedInternalStakeholderProject TeamEnsuring eachassigned area isdone asprescribed.+(Friends)Low Power butHigh interest andpositive attitudeHighPower to buildquality work.+Keep informedInternalStakeholderContractorsProviding ²melineand bids andkeeping to them.-(±ime Bomb)Powerful with lowinterest, E³ortsshould be madeto improveHighPower to decidewhich contractorsdo the work.MonitorExternalStakeholder

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