This week we will use the attached reading for the week as a point of departure
This week we will use the attached reading for the week as a point of departure
to create an artistic production to present to the class in a narrated PowerPoint.
· Look at the reading document attachment
· Select one of the visual art pieces from the chapter to use as a point of inspiration
· Create a art piece inspired by your selected art piece
· Write a one-page reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece
· Create a 5-minute narrated PowerPoint and upload to the Discussion Forum for this week (notes in the note section of each slide
For Your Inspiration Piece
· Record the title, artist, year, place of origin
· Explain the context and artistic movement
For Your Art Production
· Methods: paint, watercolor, pencil, crayon, marker, collage, sculpture
· Provide a title
· Explain the narrative of your piece and the connection to the inspiration
For Your Presentation
· Provide an introduction
· Explain and show your inspiration piece
· Describe and show your art piece
· Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentPRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.14 The Modernist World: The Arts in an Age of Global ConfrontationTHINKING AHEADHow would you define modernism, and how do Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, and Expressionism reflect its spirit?What were the effects of the Great War on the Western imagination?If the rhythm of life had long been regulated by the physiology of a man or a horse walking, or, on a sailing voyage,by the vagaries of weather (calm, storm, and wind direction), after 1850 it was regulated by the machine—first by thesteam engine and the train; then, in 1897, by the automobile; and then, finally, by the airplane. At the dawn of thetwentieth century, the world was in motion. As early as 1880, one French advertising company boasted that it couldpost a billboard ad in 35,937 municipalities in five days’ time—a billboard of the kind advertising Astra ConstructioninThe Cardiff Team(Fig.14.1), a painting by Robert Delaunay [duh-lawn-AY] (1885–1941). The painting depicts themen of the Cardiff (Wales) rugby team leaping up at a rugby ball in the center of the painting. They represent theinternationalization of sport; the first modern Olympic Games had taken place in 1896 in Athens, followed by the1900 Games in Paris, staged in conjunction with the Exposition Universelle, and rugby was a medal sport in each. Therugby ball is framed by the famous Grande Roue de Paris. Built for the 1900 Exposition Universelle, at 100 meters(328 feet) in height, it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, surpassing by 64 feet the original Ferris wheel, builtfor Chicago’s Columbian Exposition in 1893, and although it would be demolished in 1920, the Grande Roueremained the world’s tallest Ferris wheel until it was surpassed by three Japanese Ferris wheels in the 1990s. On July1, 1913, the year that Delaunay paintedThe Cardiff Team, a signal was broadcast from the top of the Eiffel Tower,seen towering over Delaunay’s work, establishing worldwide Standard Time. By 1903, Orville Wright had beenairborne 59 seconds, and by 1908, he would fly for 91 minutes. A year later, Blériot crossed the English Channel byplane (though it would be another 18 years until Charles Lindbergh would cross the Atlantic by air). The airplane inDelaunay’s painting is a “box-kite” design built in a Paris suburb beginning in 1907 by the Voisin brothers, Gabrieland Charles, the first commercial airplane manufacturers in Europe. Finally, the signboard “MAGIC” refers to MagicCity, an enormous dance-hall near the Eiffel Tower. Delaunay’sCardiff Teamcaptures the pulse of Paris in the firstdecades of the twentieth century, and the heartbeat of modern life.Delaunay called his work “Simultanism,” a term derived from Michel Eugéne Chevreul’s 1839 book on colorThePrinciple of Harmony and Contrast of Colors—in the original French title the word translated as “harmony” issimultanée—but the term signified more than just an approach to color theory. The name referred to the immediacy ofvision, and suggested that in any given instant, an infinite number of states of being existed in the speed and motion ofmodern life. Everything was in motion, including the picture itself.Fig. 14.1 Robert Delaunay,The Cardiff Team1913.
View the AnswerPRINTED BY: Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted without publisher’s prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.Oil on canvas, 10’8⅜” × 6’10”. Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Everything in the painting seems to riseinto the sky as if, for Delaunay, the century is “taking off” much like the airplane. Even the construction company’sname, “Astra,” refers to the stars.Listento the chapter audio onmyartslab.comThe still photograph suddenly found itself animated in the moving picture, first in 1895 by the Brothers Lumiére, inParis, and then after 1905, when the Nickelodeon, the first motion-picture theater in the world, opened its doors in