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This week you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that establishes  the goal and explains the related objectives for the Fictionland Police  Department. Your presentation should include:

Setting Goals and Objectives

This week you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that establishes  the goal and explains the related objectives for the Fictionland Police  Department. Your presentation should include:

  • The goal statement specifying the desired outcome(s) to be obtained by the Fictionland Police Department.
  • The specific objectives for goal(s) established for the Fictionland  Police Department. Make sure that each objective covers the four main  components: time frame, target population, results, and criterion to be  used.
  • The analysis and explanation of the participation of individuals or  agencies in goal setting with a recommendation of the goal-setting  approach (top-down, bottom-up or middle-of-the-road) to be used by the  Fictionland Police Department.
  • The intervention hypothesis or the impact model for Fictionland  Police Department that analyzes the proposed intervention and its goals.

Make certain that you support your analysis with proper reasoning and  research data. Use structured text like bolding, headings, bulleted  lists, and charts/tables where appropriate to increase the clarity of  your communication.

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