This assignment fulfills the course objective of understanding through lecture materials and readings, students will incorporate leadership theories to create a personal leadership model and definition. Students will also relate leadership theory and practice to personal experiences and examples through class discussion, personal reflection, and research to fulfill implementation.• Leadership Self-Assessment Leadership Ideas Impactful readings
This assignment fulfills the course objective of understanding through lecture materials and readings, students will incorporate leadership theories to create a personal leadership model and definition. Students will also relate leadership theory and practice to personal experiences and examples through class discussion, personal reflection, and research to fulfill implementation.• Leadership Self-Assessment Leadership Ideas Impactful readings
Guidelines for the assignment:- This is an individual project, which is part
Guidelines for the assignment:- This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.- Your assignment should be between 400 to 600 words.- Use font Times New Roman, size 12 – Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.- Use the footer function to insert page number.- Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project. – include referencing, but not more than 25%
help on intro to project management paper/ 3 pages
Select a project with which you are familiar or one you identify through research, or a project that involves community engagement and develop a WBS similar to Figure 6.6 in your textbook. Your WBS should contain no fewer Steps and sub-steps than the example. Develop an activity network for your project similar to those shown in Figures 8.2 and 8.3 of your textbook, but specific to your chosen project. Your WBS and activity network should be included in an appendix after your references page. The body of your paper should describe the project in no more than a half-page. Additionally, describe what a WBS and activity network are and how to develop them, and clarify your project in words to support your appendices. The appendices should include calculations, diagrams, and table. Submission RequirementsTextbook is in username: Jason.morneau@csuglobal.edupassword: midnight82Textbook will be titled ” Project Management”
1 – The Benefits of an Enterprise Performance Management Process
Effective organizations today must constantly strive to close the gap between strategy and execution in order to ensure that the company meets the needs of customers, shareholders, employees, etc. and contributes to the long-term success of the company.Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Process and the benefits of EPM, including the following points:Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
I attached guideline.Chapter 6 Selection AssignmentChapter 6 Selection AssignmentThis criterion is linked
I attached guideline.Chapter 6 Selection AssignmentChapter 6 Selection AssignmentThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompetency/Objective from Chapter 6ProficientListed competency/objectiveNoviceDid not complete5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLink or File: Utube video, tvshow scene, podcast or journalProficientAttached Link or File: Utube video, tvshow scene, podcast or journalCompetentCompleted the assignment but did not attach file or a working link.NoviceDid not complete5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescriptionProficientDescription was accurate and complete.CompetentMissed important points in your descriptionNoviceDid not complete20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview: relationship to competencyProficientDescription of relationship to competency was accurate and complete.CompetentMissed important points in your description or did not relate to competency correctly.NoviceDid not complete16.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling
please just respond two discussion paper that i attached. it just need
please just respond two discussion paper that i attached. it just need to be minimum 100 words for each respond.You will be automatically assigned 5 peers. Respond to at least 2 peers regarding their discussion on interview mistakes addressing the following question: What recommendations would you give for avoiding 2 of the 4 interviewing mistakes reported by your peers? o Prepare a response of a minimum of 100-150 words to at least two peers. o Post comments to at least two other student’s postings by Friday night by 10:00 pm. o Provide at least one reference other than the textbook to support your answers to your responses! o Be sure to put the reference information in your posting using APA formatting.
– Resolving Complex Supply Chain Issues
The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 2. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe alternative solutions and justify your recommendation.
complete essay for me everything for the assignment is posted below.
Using the motivation theories, explain either your best, or your worst workplace experience in terms of motivation. Go in detail and provide information on your boss, work, context, environment etc. that affected your motivation. How and why did the situation lead you to perform at your best? Alternatively, how and why did you chose to not be performing according to expectations?If you have little or no prior work experience, or aren’t comfortable sharing it, please watch the movie “Office Space” ( (Links to an external site.)) and analyze the situation Peter Gibbons and his colleagues are experiencing (you may chose either character, however, I recommend you address Peter Gibbon’s situation). If you chose to analyze the movie, your analysis has to go beyond the two short videos posted on the course website. Using the theories discussed, explain why he is motivated, or not so motivated, to perform highly.Theory 1:Theory 2: As a reminder, the eight motivation theories discussed in the book and in class were: Your assignment should not exceed about three (3) pages in length (Times New Roman font size 12, single or double spaced) that is, about one (1) page for each theory.This assignment will be graded 70% on your ability to correctly apply motivation theories and 30 % on grammar and spelling. It is therefore important that you carefully edit your answers before turning them in. Please make sure you reference three different theories. Please upload your assignment in the form of a WORD document on the separate link provided in this module right underneath the project instruction. Only assignments submitted in due time will receive full consideration.Students asked questions regarding the essay assignment. Here are some quick responses/ reminders of what was discussed in class…Scenes to analyze:Page count:I hope that helps.
Resource: Base Pay and Employee Rewards Presentation Grading GuideCreate a 7- to
Resource: Base Pay and Employee Rewards Presentation Grading GuideCreate a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with visuals and speaker notes outlining performance-based total compensation plans for two organizations. The organizations must be in different industries, have different employee groups, and utilize different pay strategies.Include the following in your presentation: Use at least three APA-formatted sources.Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
PAPA Model and Risk Matrix based on a case study analysis
This assignment is to develop a PAPA Model and Risk Matrix based on a case study analysis. Review the attached documents, case study analysis and steps. it provides detail on this Strategic Risk Assessment assignment.Note the following:1) The submission needs to be in MS-Word2) APA format is to be used.No plagiarism
Chapter 11 describes personality as the first major driver of an individuals
Chapter 11 describes personality as the first major driver of an individuals behavior. Personality is complex, but we can simplify it using categories of characteristics.answer all of of the following questions on p. 411.Formulate a complete (no less than 500 words) and original response.ReferencesKinicki, A.,
PAPA Model and Risk Matrix based on a case study analysis
This assignment is to develop a PAPA Model and Risk Matrix based on a case study analysis. Review the attached documents, case study analysis and steps. it provides detail on this Strategic Risk Assessment assignment.Note the following:1) The submission needs to be in MS-Word2) APA format is to be used.No plagiarism
Please read the assignment instructions CAREFULLY. “ATTACHED”YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO
Please read the assignment instructions CAREFULLY. “ATTACHED”YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CONNECT THE ARTICLES WITH “PESTEL” CONCEPTSFramework PESTEL P = PoliticalE = Economic and/or FinancialS = Social; Cultural; DemographicT = Technological and Infrastructure;E = Natural environment L = Legal
Please Number Each Answer.1. In what ways has Ascena pursued a value
Please Number Each Answer.1. In what ways has Ascena pursued a value enhancing/creating diversification path? In what ways, has the firm pursued diversification for non-value enhancing reasons?2. Ascena has largely expanded by using acquisitions. Have they managed the acquisition process well? In other words, how have they made acquisitions work for them? How have they experienced the pitfalls of acquisitions?3. In the end, what is your evaluation of Ascena’s corporate strategy?4. What recommendations would you have for the firm?
Watch the three videos . Then summarize them in 450 and
Watch the three videos . Then summarize them in 450 and 550 words. Summarize each of the 3 videos (~125 words each) and then give me a conclusion in which you discuss any similarities you see in the root causes. The conclusion should be 50 – 100 words.
Watch the three videos then summarize them in 450 and 550 words.
Watch the three videos then summarize them in 450 and 550 words. Summarize each of the 3 videos (~125 words each) and then give me a conclusion in which you discuss any similarities you see in the root causes. The conclusion should be 50 – 100 words. these the vidoesMixed Connection, Toxic Results:, KS. Time = 11:00 Minutes. October 21, 2016Runaway Chemical Reaction: 2017. Time = 9:28.Caribbean Petroleum, or CAPECO, terminal facility near San Juan, Puerto Rico: 2009. Time = 11:08.
Choose one of the questions appearing below. Next, compose an answer of
Choose one of the questions appearing below. Next, compose an answer of about 250-300 words within a Word document.-According to the selection we read, what factors contributed to the division of Israel into a northern and southern kingdom? Please be specific in your answer. Can modern people learn any lessons from all this?Next reply to the two following students with a minimum of 80 words.(Justine)A prophet is one who is in contact with a higher power for example Elijah and Isaiah with God. The prophet promotes the request and speaks on behalf of their GOD. Their actions come from their god and help others to follow. They also inform others and teach them how to do things. Any messages that God wants to pass along he will do this through the prophet. I also feel that a prophet is one who believes and has faith. Both Isaiah and Elijah are perfect examples of prophets. “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “ Whom shall I send, and who will go for us ?’ Then I said, “Here am I ! Send me.” And he said, “ Go, and say to this people: ( Isaiah 6:8) (After many days the word of the LORD came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “ Go , show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the earth” (1 Kings 18) Elijah makes it clear to the people of Israel that he is the only prophet of the Lord who is God versus the example of Baal’s prophets that are 450 men. “How long will you go limping between two different opinions ? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. Then Elijah said to the people, I, even I only, am left a prophet of the LORD, but Baal’s prophets are 450 men. (Jorge)What were the main things that Ezra tried to accomplish? Why did he consider these things so important? Does his prohibition against intermarriage strike you as close-minded and hopelessly out-of-date? Or can a case be made for marrying someone of your own faith? Ezra was a priest who came from a long lineage of priests. After living amongst the exiled people in Babylon he returned to Jerusalem to repair what his people had lost. His first priority was to rebuild a temple for worship. Once rebuilt, his second priority was to reform his people and lead them back to God’s good graces. Ezra was extremely important to the people of Jerusalem, because after generations of being led astray they were finally able to repair and re-establish the covenant with God. Ezra’s prohibition of intermarriage is something that is still debated to this day. Even currently in the Catholic Church you are required to marry another person of Catholic faith. In my own personal opinion, I do believe this is a bit close-minded. I think that everyone is entitled to their own belief system, their own thoughts, and opinions. If this is different than yours and does negatively affect your ability to practice your faith, I don’t think there should be an issue. In fact, I think it’s important to listen, be open-minded, understand and respect everyone’s faith regardless of your personal beliefs. While I do think some of Ezra’s teachings were close-minded and outdated, I also think what he did for the people of Jerusalem changed the course of the world for the better.
1)When we look at Human Resource Development, there are questions that need
1)When we look at Human Resource Development, there are questions that need to be asked: What is your view about that employees are paid for performance and not for creativity? How can routines be broken to encourage creativity while important standards are maintained? What is the biggest Human Resource Development challenge you feel organizations face today in fostering creativity? Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).2)Discuss the following questions: What do you think a Human Resource Development professional must possess to be effective in an organization of approximately 500 employees? How might your answer be different for an organization with 5,000 employees? Support your answer with examples. Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).
Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following. To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.To assign ResourcesRepeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following. To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.To assign ResourcesRepeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.I need a lot of help. I have not been getting a good grade so far on this project. I have also attached a file of what I have done and the data that you can use. Please feel free to make any changes that would help. This is 2 different parts that needs to be done. Please reach out to me if need a better understanding on what to do. PART 1:Deliverables for Week 4:Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.For this week, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project.Remember that the WBS starts with major deliverables (included in the scope statement) at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the textbook and the PMBOK® Guide for some suggestions on how to create a WBS.From your work breakdown structure, develop a project task list with dependencies and add durations, using MS Project.Set Up Schedule in MS ProjectOnce you have set the defaults, we are ready to move on. If you have not done so already, you need to create the project’s work packages and activities from the project’s WBS. Once this is done, insert your project name, deliverables, work packages, and activities in the column task name in MS Project.To see the network diagram, click on view, then select network diagram. Activities on the critical path are outlined in red, whereas noncritical path activities are outlined in blue.For additional instructions and guidelines, refer to the Course Project Overview page, located under Introduction and Resources.Part 1: Project Budget (Cost Management)Part 2: Resource Management
Case Study: Way for Paradigms of Diversity Leadership1. Which previous reading parallels
Case Study: Way for Paradigms of Diversity Leadership1. Which previous reading parallels with the case study you selected and in what way? 2. Which concept from the Pew Research Report connect with your own experiences in the workplace? Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to the two following classmates with at least 100 words (Gabrielle)1) I chose to use the case study of “The Sixth W; who, what, when, where, why, and women.” This case study is about the gender gap and how men are treated and viewed as experts, even about woman’s issues like reproductive rights. Over 40 women sued Newsweek magazine for sex discrimination, and one woman, in particular, Lynn Povich, became the first woman senior editor. She even wrote a memoir on her experience and the hardships of getting to where she is now. The way Lynn was able to stand up for herself as well as create a women’s movement which created national attention. These women were the first women ever to sue the media. After reading this case study, I relate this to the gender bias and glass ceiling topic. The case study suggests that the more successful women become, the more disliked they are by both men and women. The way men are portrayed is they are being pushed forward into management positions when, in turn, holds the women back from the same areas. It ties into the glass ceiling topic as well because women are stuck in a lower position without opportunities to grow in the company. 2 ) The Pew Research Report highlights the increasing presence of women in higher education. I went to college when healthy kids do after i graduated from high school and ended up hating it. Years later, after having a child who complains of hating school, i decided I wanted more for myself and applied and turned in all paperwork within one day for Concordia. The night class I am taking at my community college, there are more women than men. I notice that there have been more women within many jobs that i have worked in over the years have been in school even if they are in the 40s or 50s. (Jessica)I chose to read “The Sixth W,” which is an article that covers women in the media. This piece tells about a group of women who worked for Newsweek that sued for gender discrimination. Men were hired to be reporters and writers where women were employed to clip newspaper stories, check facts, and research. These were all low paying jobs with no opportunity for advancement, and the women who worked there desired more. The article talks about how the case was settled. Women at Newsweek wanted one-third of the writers and reporters to be women. They also wanted one-third of the researchers to be men (The sixth w, 2012). This would prove that the job is not just a female job; it’s a job anyone who is wanting an entry-level job can perform. They also wanted a woman senior editor (The sixth w, 2012). I can compare this article to those we studied in module one of this class covering the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling metaphor is an invisible boundary that restricts women and minorities from advancing to the highest ranks of management inside a corporation (The glass ceiling effect and its impact on women, 2017). This frequently limits women from promotions, salary increases, and other career advancement opportunities (Lewis, 2019). This is precisely what was happening at Newsweek. Pew Research Center studies public concerns, attitudes, and current trends (Pew Research Center, 2015). The study we look at this week reveals data that indicates women are equally qualified for leadership positions but still have trouble reaching those positions. I am currently not in the workforce. However, I can relate the corporate leader section of the Pew Research article to the last job I held. I worked for one of the major card companies, where I witnessed a lot of women in entry-level positions. My boss happened to be a male, but I know he had a female counterpart. When the executives would come to visit a store to see how it was performing most of the time, these executives were males. The CEO of the company is also a male. Even though most people think of a card company and the work performed to be “women’s work,” the men ultimately hold higher-ranking positions. I think women have come a long way and that there is room for growth inside this company; they just haven’t made it into the top tier positions, yet. Resources: Lewis, J. J. (2019, August 18). Glass ceiling: what is it? does one exist? Retrieved August 27, 2019 from Research Center. (2015, January 14). Women and leadership public says women are equally qualified, but barriers persist. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from; filename*=UTF-8”Women in Leadership.Pew Research Center Report.pdf
Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following. To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.To assign ResourcesRepeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following. To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.To assign ResourcesRepeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.I need a lot of help. I have not been getting a good grade so far on this project. I have also attached a file of what I have done and the data that you can use. Please feel free to make any changes that would help. This is 2 different parts that needs to be done. Please reach out to me if need a better understanding on what to do. PART 1:Deliverables for Week 4:Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.For this week, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project.Remember that the WBS starts with major deliverables (included in the scope statement) at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the textbook and the PMBOK® Guide for some suggestions on how to create a WBS.From your work breakdown structure, develop a project task list with dependencies and add durations, using MS Project.Set Up Schedule in MS ProjectOnce you have set the defaults, we are ready to move on. If you have not done so already, you need to create the project’s work packages and activities from the project’s WBS. Once this is done, insert your project name, deliverables, work packages, and activities in the column task name in MS Project.To see the network diagram, click on view, then select network diagram. Activities on the critical path are outlined in red, whereas noncritical path activities are outlined in blue.For additional instructions and guidelines, refer to the Course Project Overview page, located under Introduction and Resources.Part 1: Project Budget (Cost Management)Part 2: Resource Management
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