Threaded Discussions: minimum of 5 sentences per question.
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I have attached the questions. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment1) What forces drive international M & A activity, and how are these forces different from thosethat drive domestic M & As?2) Class, the US is the biggest investor in pure research in the world, depending on your sourceequal to one half of global investments. Naturally, foreign companies may save the capital in thefundamental research phase and invest in those technologies or breakthroughs that have potentialto make new markets. Obviously this saves limited dollars and ensures the other countriesmitigate research investment risk. This includes agriculture, biotechnology, computer science andengineering, medical, pharmaceutical, etc.Many people like to tout Japanese engineering in the automobile sector. We know they makevery good autos, but they buy the technology once the initial investment has had a breakthrough,save on single investments, then tweak the final product which costs much less to actually deployand market.Question:How does basis research affect M&A in the international arena?3) Class, Just How Big Is China? Bigger Than You Think, some things to think about regarding M&A as well as investing in general. China, India,Malaysia and Indonesia have a combined population of one half the global population. Myanmarrecently opened its borders to international trade and investment adding some 90 million peopleto the mix. There are some significant barriers to trade in these countries including cross-border,currency, political, legislative, intellectual property and other risks that are important to discuss.If you are currently with a company or will be shortly after you complete your studies, youinvariably will either be competing against companies in these countries or will be a target ortargeting companies in these countries.Comments.4) How will the corporate cultures of two companies be important determinants of the success orfailure of a Merger or Acquistion?5) Cross border M&A magnifies these challenges by introducing additional hurdles includingcommunication, cultural and political issues. Just like two states fighting to retain the corporateheadquarters after the merger of a firm countries also wager for the headquarters. Integration ofoperations, in particular back office, administrative and accounting issues tend to drive acompany’s ability to successfully merge.Question:How will the corporate cultures of two companies be important determinants of thesuccess or failure of a Merger or Acquisition?
View the Answer6) Class, M&A can also be an investment to protect current sunk cost from obsolescence, toprotect market share. We see this particularly in pharma, computer software, aerospace and hightech industries.Question:What are some examples that illustrate this situation?7) Discuss how budgeting for nonprofits differs from budgeting for for-profit organizations. Ifyou had the choice of budgeting for a nonprofit or a for-profit, which would you rather do thebudget for? Why?8) Which of the following techniques would be best for evaluating the management performanceof a department that is operated as a cost center, ROI or Payback Method?9) Discuss how budgeting for service organizations differs from manufacturing firms.10) Is corporate budgeting a valuable tool or a necessary evil? Does your answer change if it isyour personal budget?11) Is ABB used where you work? If so, how? If not, do you think your organization wouldbenefit from the use of ABB? How could ABB help create value where you work?12) Individual budget schedules are prepared to develop an annual comprehensive or masterbudget. The budget schedule that would provide the necessary input data for the direct laborbudget would be the, Production budget or Raw materials purchases budget?