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transaction performance

Imagine that you have been hired to optimize and secure an existing database installation. Select at least three considerations that would enable the organization to extend database functionality and reliability, and enhance data transaction performance.  Support your answer with technical considerations that could be implemented to leverage data services. Classify professional and technical skills that could enable you to be successful in this scenario.Imagine that you have been hired to optimize and secure an existing database installation. Select at least three considerations that would enable the organization to extend database functionality and reliability, and enhance data transaction performance.  Support your answer with technical considerations that could be implemented to leverage data services. Classify professional and technical skills that could enable you to be successful in this scenario.Imagine that you have been hired to optimize and secure an existing database installation. Select at least three considerations that would enable the organization to extend database functionality and reliability, and enhance data transaction performance.  Support your answer with technical considerations that could be implemented to leverage data services. Classify professional and technical skills that could enable you to be successful in this scenario.Imagine that you have been hired to optimize and secure an existing database installation. Select at least three considerations that would enable the organization to extend database functionality and reliability, and enhance data transaction performance.  Support your answer with technical considerations that could be implemented to leverage data services. Classify professional and technical skills that could enable you to be successful in this scenario.Imagine that you have been hired to optimize and secure an existing database installation. Select at least three considerations that would enable the organization to extend database functionality and reliability, and enhance data transaction performance.  Support your answer with technical considerations that could be implemented to leverage data services. Classify professional and technical skills that could enable you to be successful in this scenario.


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