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Use any join syntax EXCEPT NATURAL JOIN to list the customer_first_name

Use any join syntax EXCEPT NATURAL JOIN to list the customer_first_name and customer_last_name concatenated with

an intervening space as Customer, customer city and state formatted as a single column in the format of “city, ST” with a heading of Location, order_id and order date for orders that have not shipped. 

Having an issue getting this querie together ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment— *************************************************************– This script creates the database– for Labs 4-7 based on OM (Order Management) database– **REVISED by PRP to remove some orders– **REVISED by PRP to add artist table– **REVISED by PRP to link employee table to orders– *************************************************************DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS orders;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS order_details;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS items;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS artists;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees;– create tablesCREATE TABLE customers(customer_idINT,customer_first_nameVARCHAR(20),customer_last_nameVARCHAR(20)NOT NULL,customer_addressVARCHAR(50)NOT NULL,customer_cityVARCHAR(20)NOT NULL,customer_stateCHAR(2)NOT NULL,customer_zipCHAR(5)NOT NULL,customer_phoneCHAR(10)NOT NULL,customer_faxCHAR(10),CONSTRAINT customers_pkPRIMARY KEY (customer_id));CREATE TABLE artists(artist_idINTNOT NULL,artist_nameVARCHAR(30),CONSTRAINT artist_pkPRIMARY KEY (artist_id));

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View the AnswerCREATE TABLE items(item_idINTNOT NULL,titleVARCHAR(50)NOT NULL,artist_idINTNOT NULL,unit_priceDECIMAL(9,2)NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT items_pkPRIMARY KEY (item_id),CONSTRAINT items_fk_artistsFOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artists (artist_id));CREATE TABLE employees(employee_idINTNOT NULL,last_nameVARCHAR(20)NOT NULL,first_nameVARCHAR(20)NOT NULL,manager_idINT,CONSTRAINT employees_pkPRIMARY KEY (employee_id),CONSTRAINT emp_fk_mgr FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees(employee_id));CREATE TABLE orders(order_idINTNOT NULL,customer_idINTNOT NULL,order_dateDATENOT NULL,shipped_dateDATE,employee_idINT,CONSTRAINT orders_pkPRIMARY KEY (order_id),CONSTRAINT orders_fk_customersFOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id),CONSTRAINT orders_fk_employeesFOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees (employee_id));

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