use the famous Iris dataset that you have also explored in the section. From the R help page on this dataset:
use the famous Iris dataset that you have also explored in the section. From the R help page on this dataset:
“This famous (Fisher’s or Anderson’s) iris data set gives the measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width and petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, Versicolor, and Virginia.”
First, examine the dataset using str() to see what are the variables in the dataset. You can also look at it using View(iris).
Use the “Export” button on the menu bar of the Plots pane in RStudio to save your plots as image files that you can then put in your answer document.
- (a) make a scatter plot, using geom_point() of petal widths vs petal lengths (with petal widths on the x-axis), color coded by the species.
- (b) Create three side-by-side plots of histograms of the petal lengths, one for each species, and color code them by species. (Hint: you could use facet wrap and fill=Species)
- (c) Note that the histograms seem to occupy different spots on the horizontal axis. Maybe we could put them on the same plot, and make them less opaque so we can see any overlaps.
- make a plot with all three histograms in one plot, and use position=”identity” within the options of geom histogram, which is also where you will put alpha= (whatever you choose for opacity levels). If you don’t use position=”identity”, then your histograms will be stacked on top of one another wherever they overlap.
Hello! !00% sure this is a completed question. My classmate already solved this but I do not know how. Thank you!
“This famous (Fisher’s or Anderson’s) iris data set gives the measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width and petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, Versicolor, and Virginia.”
First, examine the dataset using str() to see what are the variables in the dataset. You can also look at it using View(iris).
Use the “Export” button on the menu bar of the Plots pane in RStudio to save your plots as image files that you can then put in your answer document.
- (a) make a scatter plot, using geom_point() of petal widths vs petal lengths (with petal widths on the x-axis), color coded by the species.
- (b) Create three side-by-side plots of histograms of the petal lengths, one for each species, and color code them by species. (Hint: you could use facet wrap and fill=Species)
- (c) Note that the histograms seem to occupy different spots on the horizontal axis. Maybe we could put them on the same plot, and make them less opaque so we can see any overlaps.
- make a plot with all three histograms in one plot, and use position=”identity” within the options of geom histogram, which is also where you will put alpha= (whatever you choose for opacity levels). If you don’t use position=”identity”, then your histograms will be stacked on top of one another wherever they overlap.
Hello! !00% sure this is a completed question. My classmate already solved this but I do not know how. Thank you!
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