” Villalobos says
MBA640 Project 4 Transcript
You’re part of the marketing department at Cemex, a global provider of building materials. Your team has been called to a meeting at the Monterrey, Mexico headquarters with members of several other departments, and Cemex’s CEO, Oswaldo Villalobos. “I just reviewed last quarter’s sales figures,” Villalobos says, “and I’m not happy. Profits are down in North America.”
Villalobos continues: “I’ve called this meeting because I’d like you to form a cross-functional business development team to focus on expanding our US operations. We know that spending on infrastructure is increasing,” he says.
Villalobos is referring to a large infrastructure package recently signed by the new US administration. Your team was just discussing the news over coffee yesterday morning.
The plan includes funding for bridges, roads, and sewage systems. There’s no question that US infrastructure spending will be up in the coming years.
“We’re well-positioned to grab a bigger market share of the cement business,” Villalobos says. “Cemex has mothballed capacity that we should tap into.”
Villalobos looks at your group: “Report back to me in four weeks with a detailed marketing plan for this expansion. Include the steps to implement the plan along with the control measures to ensure that our forecasted sales targets are met.”
1 Introduction to Business to Business (B2B) Marketing
As you learned in Project 3, one of the most important functional areas in business is marketing. Companies such as Airbus, Peugeot, GM, Burger King, and Tata have a passion for understanding their customers and satisfying their customers’ needs in “well-defined target markets” (Kotler & Armstrong, 2014, p. 4). Marketing is a managerial and social function through which companies and customers create and exchange value. The authors define marketing as the “process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return” (p.5).
B2B Buying Decisions
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” Villalobos says was first posted on August 14, 2019 at 7:15 am.
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” Villalobos says was first posted on August 14, 2019 at 7:22 am.
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