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We had to Name a figure in the business environment whom we would identify as a successful leader

We had to Name a figure in the business environment whom we would identify as a successful leader and find out

What traits doe s the leader possess & What is the most important trait

Would you agree this this statement;

I see a person like Sir Richard Branson as a good leader.

·       Hands-on approach

·       The ability to think differently (outside the box)

·       The ability to delegate

·       Willing to listen

·       Make decisions and learn from mistakes

Sir Richard Branson is known for his rule-breaking approach to leadership, which encourages employees to be innovative thinkers. He understands that his business leaders are the people charged with inspiring and motivating the workforce, not just organizing and monitoring productivity.

One of the more important traits is the leader’s ability to make decisions and learn from mistakes. We make decisions based on the information we have available. Often the decision is a good one and things work out as planned. However, there are times when a decision made produces a failed outcome. As a good leader it is important to recognize the mistake, learn from it and move on. Dwelling on the mistake only stagnates progress. It is important to apply what you learned from the mistake toward moving forward. In addition, it sets the tone for the team or staff. Keeping the team motivated is the priority. The team will need to receive positive energy from the leadership in order to keep its momentum and continue to produce.  

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