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We had to Name a figure in the business environment whom we would identify as a successful leader

We had to Name a figure in the business environment whom we would identify as a successful leader and find out

What traits doe s the leader possess & What is the most important trait

Would you agree this this statement

Howard Schultz, Chairman and CEO of Starbucks

Leadership traits

·       Enthusiasm/passion for the people and the business

·       Encouragement of innovation and development

·       Integrity and genuineness in what the company stands for

·       Flexibility and the ability to compromise

·       Boldness and a lack of playing it safe

·       Communicate honestly

Former CEO Howard Schultz was known for saying “Starbucks isn’t in the coffee business serving people, but in the people business serving coffee”. This ability to perfectly balance people, product and profitability was what made him a great leader. He understood that people want to be led, not managed

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