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WEB EXERCISE DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS: References (all websites you visited) are required and to be cited under the References section of your response and formatted in the APA style. You can find out how to cite your references in APA style by going to Course Documents in Titanium and view the file, APA CITATION STYLES, under WEB EXERCISE GUIDELINES. You should do an internet search using whatever reliable service you find (Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo, etc.). Use complete sentences that are grammatically correct and no outlines or bullet points. WEB EXERCISE 1. Part A: Who were the top 5 countries and give the $$ volume that the United States exported to in 2018? Part B: Which countries were the top 5 and give the $$ volume that the United States imported from in 2018? 2. Visit the websites of EACH of 3 of the following MNCs: CITIGROUP DANAONE DOW CHEMICAL ELECTROLUX FABER-CASTELL FERRERO GLAXO SMITH KLINE HAIER HALLIBURTON HUAWEI HYTERA INFOSYS INGERSOLL RAND JXD LENOVO 3. Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences for each of the 3 MNCs, the importance the company appears to place on international business? Be specific giving financial evidence when possible (for example, what are annual sales and what % are foreign or list the countries they do business with). (One paragraph for each MNC with a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph = 15 sentences minimum for answer #3). 4. In a minimum of 5 sentences for each MNC, list the foreign currencies that each MNC has volatility exposure for each of the 3 MNCs you researched in question 2 above? (One paragraph for each MNC with a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph = 15 sentences minimum for answer #4). TOTAL MINIMUM SENTENCE COUNT FOR EXERCISE #1 = 30 sentences in addition to the U.S. export and import lists for 2018. IF YOU CHOOSE TO COMPLETE THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF SENTENCES, THE BEST GRADE YOU CAN EXPECT IS A C. THE MORE WORK YOU PUT INTO THE EXERCISE, THE GREATER YOUR CHANCES OF A HIGHER GRADE.

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