Week 3 assignment 2 due in 10hours
Week 3 – Assignment 2 Cognitive and Language Development Milestones Picture Book [WLO: 1] [CLO: 1] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Review Chapters 6, 7, and 9 of your text. Review the cognition and language development milestones from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the web page Basic Information (Links to an external site.). Identify one age-group that you will discuss: Infancy: Birth to 12 months Toddler: 1 to 3 years Early childhood: 4 to 8 years The purpose of this assignment is to creatively demonstrate an understanding of developmental milestones as they pertain to cognition and language development. Part 1: Based on the required resources above, create a children’s picture book using StoryJumper (Links to an external site.) that tells a story about a child’s typical day. Your story must incorporate at least four cognitive and four language development milestones for the age-group you have selected. Your story can be about a fictional child or can be based on a real child.Please review the StoryJumper tutorial (Links to an external site.), for assistance in using StoryJumper. To complete this assignment, you must Create a children’s picture book using StoryJumper. (Links to an external site.) Identify at least four cognitive development milestones appropriate to the age-group selected. Distinguish at least four language development milestones appropriate to the age-group selected. Discuss a typical day appropriate to the age-group selected. Required Resources Text Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development (9th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu Chapter 6: Cognitive Development: Piagetian, Core Knowledge, and Vygotskian Perspectives Chapter 7: Cognitive Development: An Information-Processing Perspective Chapter 9: Language Development Article Oliva-Olson, C., Espinosa, L. M., Hayslip, W.,
Choose one of those paintings and writing a 3 pages paper about
Choose one of those paintings and writing a 3 pages paper about it. 1) Bernardo Bellotto, View of the Grand Canal: Santa Maria della Salute and the Dogana from Campo Santa Maria Zobenigo, 1740, oil on canvas, (J.Paul Getty Museum, California) 2) Francesco Guardi, Piazza di San Marco, c. 1750s, oil on canvas (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)
Case Assignment You are a director of a hospital ancillary service
Case Assignment You are a director of a hospital ancillary service unit hospital. You have noticed that your unit is faced with the following three challenges: Slow adoption to technology Staff shortage Poor job satisfaction rates resulting in turnover You are to write a proposal addressing each of the above challenges. Your proposal should have the following sections: Background: Select an ancillary service from the above list and provide background on the services provided. Challenges: State the three challenges and identify how they potential could affect your selected ancillary service unit (be sure to support your position with valid sources). Solution/Outcome: For each challenge identify one solution and describe the probable outcome. Scope/Plan: Develop a plan to address these three issues and describe phases/timeframe of your plan. Assignment Expectations Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your proposal. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages. Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3-4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: https://www.edb.utexas.edu/petrosino/Legacy_Cycle/mf_jm/Challenge 1/website reliable.pdf.
I need to take a movie which is positive psychology related and
I need to take a movie which is positive psychology related and should be related to happiness. Mainly two concepts in happiness- one is hedonic happiness and the other one is eudemonic happiness. In order to do this paper I need to pick a movie related to both and talk about this concept and how it connects to the movie and the characters in the movie.
This assignment will be one of several throughout your PhD program that
This assignment will be one of several throughout your PhD program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a doctoral program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you’ll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your own research. An annotated bibliography helps you develop and hone these research skills. This assignment is listed on the syllabus as “Mid-term research paper” and is worth 20% of your grade. Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the “Depth” topic (i.e. Defense in Depth) in the context of protecting National Infrastructure. You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least seven (7) resources, ALL of which must: 1) Be current. Published within the last few years. 2) Be peer-reviewed. 3) Relate directly to Defense in depth in the context of protecting National Infrastructure. Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers. Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out. 2.question Your final research paper assignment is to write a research paper that explains how defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary techniques to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures. To complete this assignment, upload a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) that contains your complete paper. Remember that your list of sources must be in APA format, and you MUST cite your reference in the body of the paper using APA in-text citation format. A source is any paper or article that you will reference in your paper. If you need more information on APA format (for references list AND in-text citations), visit this reference: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ This assignment must be YOUR OWN WORK! This is an individual assignment. Plagiarism detected in your work will result in a grade of zero for the entire paper. Here are a few details about the overall research paper Please look at the attached rubric for details on how the paper will be graded. You must reference two (2) peer-reviewed articles or papers that support your thesis statement. One of these papers may be from your annotated bibliography assignment. The final paper must be at least 500 words in length. (DO NOT exceed 500 words by a material amount. Excessive words or too many references will NOT impress me.) So in summary, here are the research paper requirements: 2 peer reviewed resources (articles or papers) (1 may be from your annotated bibliography assignment) Paper MUST address: How defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary techniques to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references) At least 500 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words) If you are not sure how to identify peer reviewed papers or articles, please visit the following resources: http://diy.library.oregonstate.edu/using-google-scholar-find-peer-reviewed-articles http://libguides.gwu.edu/education/peer-reviewed-articles please find the attachment for 2 nd question
Rural VS Urban Ancillary Services Health care services vary given a
Rural VS Urban Ancillary Services Health care services vary given a geographical location of an organization. All services are may not be provided in one area, furthermore, patients often must travel to obtain services whom live in rural areas. For example, according to Spasojevic, Vasilj, Hrabac,
ChartDataSheet_ This worksheet contains values required for MegaStat charts. Boxplot 1/28/2010
ChartDataSheet_ This worksheet contains values required for MegaStat charts. Boxplot 1/28/2010 16:03.39 2 741 2 806 3 806 3 827 1 827 3 827 3 851.5 2 851.5 2 908 2 851.5 1 851.5 1 806 2 806 1 669.5 3 669.5 1 737.75 3 737.75 1 919.75 3 919.75 1 988 3 988 Boxplot 1/28/2010 16:06.08 2 741 2 806 3 806 3 827 1 827 3 827 3 851.5 2 851.5 2 908 2 851.5 1 851.5 1 806 2 806 1 669.5 3 669.5 1 737.75 3 737.75 1 919.75 3 919.75 1 988 3 988 Dotplot 1/28/2010 16:06.08 741 1 751 1 757 1 757 2 760 1 774 1 775 1 780 1 784 1 785 1 790 1 792 1 798 1 799 1 799 2 800 1 802 1 803 1 804 1 806 1 806 2 809 1 812 1 815 1 815 2 815 3 816 1 816 2 817 1 817 2 817 3 818 1 819 1 819 2 821 1 822 1 823 1 826 1 827 1 827 2 827 3 828 1 830 1 831 1 832 1 835 1 836 1 837 1 838 1 839 1 842 1 842 2 842 3 844 1 845 1 846 1 847 1 848 1 849 1 851 1 853 1 856 1 857 1 857 2 858 1 859 1 859 2 864 1 865 1 866 1 866 2 869 1 870 1 873 1 874 1 882 1 883 1 885 1 895 1 908 1 Boxplot 1/28/2010 16:08.20 2 741 2 806 3 806 3 827 1 827 3 827 3 851.5 2 851.5 2 895 2 851.5 1 851.5 1 806 2 806 1 669.5 3 669.5 1 737.75 3 737.75 1 919.75 3 919.75 1 988 3 988 1.8 980 1.8 1008 Dotplot 1/28/2010 16:08.20 741 1 751 1 757 1 757 2 760 1 774 1 775 1 780 1 784 1 785 1 790 1 792 1 798 1 799 1 799 2 800 1 802 1 803 1 804 1 806 1 806 2 809 1 812 1 815 1 815 2 815 3 816 1 816 2 817 1 817 2 817 3 818 1 819 1 819 2 821 1 822 1 823 1 826 1 827 1 827 2 827 3 828 1 830 1 831 1 832 1 835 1 836 1 837 1 838 1 839 1 842 1 842 2 842 3 844 1 845 1 846 1 847 1 848 1 849 1 851 1 853 1 856 1 857 1 857 2 858 1 859 1 859 2 864 1 865 1 866 1 866 2 869 1 870 1 874 1 882 1 883 1 885 1 895 1 980 1 1008 1 Bus Must have access to the book: GCU Class: Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (17th Edition) Data Set 3 –Lincolnville School District Bus Data ID Manufacturer Engine Type (0=diesel) Capacity Maintenance Cost Age Odometer Miles Miles 10 Keiser 1 14 4646 5 54375 11973 396 Thompson 0 14 1072 2 21858 11969 122 Bluebird 1 55 9394 10 116580 11967 751 Keiser 0 14 1078 2 22444 11948 279 Bluebird 0 55 1008 2 22672 11925 500 Bluebird 1 55 5329 5 50765 11922 Variables 520 Bluebird 0 55 4794 10 119130 11896 759 Keiser 0 55 3952 8 87872 11889 ID = Bus identification number 714 Bluebird 0 42 3742 7 73703 11837 875 Bluebird 0 55 4376 9 97947 11814 Manufacturer = Source of the bus (Bluebird, Keiser, or Thompson) 600 Bluebird 0 55 4832 10 119860 11800 953 Bluebird 0 55 5160 10 117700 11798 Engine type = If the engine is diesel then engine type = 0; if the engine is gasoline, then engine type = 1) 101 Bluebird 0 55 1955 4 41096 11789 358 Bluebird 0 55 2775 6 70086 11782 Capacity = number of seats on the bus 29 Bluebird 1 55 5352 6 69438 11781 365 Keiser 0 55 3065 6 63384 11778 Maintenance cost = dollars spent to maintain a bus last year 162 Keiser 1 55 3143 3 31266 11757 686 Bluebird 0 55 1569 3 34674 11707 Age = number of years since the bus left the manufacturer 370 Keiser 1 55 7766 8 86528 11704 887 Bluebird 0 55 3743 8 93672 11698 Odometer Miles = total number of miles traveled by a bus 464 Bluebird 1 55 2540 3 34530 11698 948 Keiser 0 42 4342 9 97956 11691 Miles = number of miles traveled since last maintenance 678 Keiser 0 55 3361 7 75229 11668 481 Keiser 1 6 3097 3 34362 11662 43 Bluebird 1 55 8263 9 102969 11615 704 Bluebird 0 55 4218 8 83424 11610 814 Bluebird 0 55 2028 4 40824 11576 39 Bluebird 1 55 5821 6 69444 11533 699 Bluebird 1 55 9069 9 98307 11518 75 Bluebird 0 55 3011 6 71970 11462 693 Keiser 1 55 9193 9 101889 11461 989 Keiser 0 55 4795 9 106605 11418 982 Bluebird 0 55 505 1 10276 11359 321 Bluebird 0 42 2732 6 70122 11358 724 Keiser 0 42 3754 8 91968 11344 732 Keiser 0 42 4640 9 101196 11342 880 Keiser 1 55 8410 9 97065 11336 193 Thompson 0 14 5922 11 128711 11248 884 Bluebird 0 55 4364 9 92457 11231 57 Bluebird 0 55 3190 7 79240 11222 731 Bluebird 0 42 3213 6 68526 11168 61 Keiser 0 55 4139 9 103536 11148 135 Bluebird 0 55 3560 7 76426 11127 833 Thompson 0 14 3920 8 90968 11112 671 Thompson 1 14 6733 8 89792 11100 692 Bluebird 0 55 3770 8 93248 11048 200 Bluebird 0 55 5168 10 103700 11018 754 Keiser 0 14 7380 14 146860 11003 540 Bluebird 1 55 3656 4 45284 10945 660 Bluebird 1 55 6213 6 64434 10911 353 Keiser 1 55 4279 4 45744 10902 482 Bluebird 1 55 10575 10 116534 10802 398 Thompson 0 6 4752 9 95922 10802 984 Bluebird 0 55 3809 8 87664 10760 977 Bluebird 0 55 3769 7 79422 10759 705 Keiser 0 42 2152 4 47596 10755 767 Keiser 0 55 2985 6 71538 10726 326 Bluebird 0 55 4563 9 107343 10724 120 Keiser 0 42 4723 10 110320 10674 554 Bluebird 0 42 1826 4 44604 10662 695 Bluebird 0 55 1061 2 23152 10633 9 Keiser 1 55 3527 4 46848 10591 861 Bluebird 1 55 9669 10 106040 10551 603 Keiser 0 14 2116 4 44384 10518 156 Thompson 0 14 6212 12 140460 10473 427 Keiser 1 55 6927 7 73423 10355 883 Bluebird 1 55 1881 2 20742 10344 168 Thompson 1 14 7004 7 83006 10315 954 Bluebird 0 42 5284 10 101000 10235 768 Bluebird 0 42 3173 7 71778 10227 490 Bluebird 1 55 10133 10 106240 10210 725 Bluebird 0 55 2356 5 57065 10209 45 Keiser 0 55 3124 6 60102 10167 38 Keiser 1 14 5976 6 61662 10140 314 Thompson 0 6 5408 11 128117 10128 507 Bluebird 0 55 3690 7 72849 10095 40 Bluebird 1 55 9573 10 118470 10081 918 Bluebird 0 55 2470 5 53620 10075 387 Bluebird 1 55 6863 8 89960 10055 418 Bluebird 0 55 4513 9 104715 10000
see attachments for specific requirements. do not respond if you do not
see attachments for specific requirements. do not respond if you do not have access to book.
1-1 Discussion: Final Project Fact Pattern
For this discussion post, define the fact pattern in the Netflix case study, which you read about in the following Module One articles and presentation: Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HR Article: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc Presentation: Netflix Culture: Freedom
1-1 Discussion: Company Uses of HRIS
The reasons why companies use HRIS vary widely. Large companies will use HRIS in certain ways while other, smaller companies may use it in other ways. Consider the following questions: What are your perceptions of an HRIS? What can an HRIS do for an organization? List why your organization would want to or does use an HRIS.
HR Basics: Compensation Watch Full Video https://youtu.be/wZoRId6ADuo Based on your review, please
HR Basics: Compensation Watch Full Video https://youtu.be/wZoRId6ADuo Based on your review, please respond to the following: As important as compensation is to employees so is how compensation is communicated by the organization. As Chief HR Officer for the company what key ideas would you implement in the company to ensure communication of the compensation plan is effective? Be specific. NOTE: You may not use more than 2 references for your response, and you must comment to a minimum of 2 other students’ responses.
investment analysis and performance of hotel industry- a research of international chain
investment analysis and performance of hotel industry- a research of international chain hotel company’s investment strategy 3000words Harvard style ratio analysis and graph needed 8 reference minimum
Why does Singer think we have a moral obligation to animals?
Why does Singer think we have a moral obligation to animals? Do you agree with him? Why/not? please write from your point of view and what you think the right answer is
Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research
Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses. Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment. In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Please ensure you cite in APA format, any sources you have used
Please ensure you cite in APA format, any sources you have used in your posting.Question 1. Successful Alignment of IT with Business/Project PrioritizationRefer to the readings on aligning IT to the business strategy, and either do some research or draw from your own experience to tell us about an organization that has successfully aligned its IT to the business. Answer the question and discuss the importance of its answer to the CIO, integrating the information on the organization into your response: 1. How are IT projects currently determined and prioritized by the organization?Question 2Governance/Enterprise Strategies/Project Team PersonnelComplete the readings and review the IT Strategic Plan, Part 1 assignment before completing this question. Choose one of the following and develop two well-researched paragraphs:Question 3Compliance Issues Complete the readings before answering the question.Listed are three compliance issues. Choose one and discuss how it might affect the information systems at GGFRT. Review the GGFRT Case Study and identify which current or planned system(s) may be affected by your chosen issue. Write a short statement of requirements that could be used to modify the system(s) to address the compliance issue. Question 4Risk Management and Business ContinuityComplete the readings for question 4 before reviewing the IT Strategic Plan, Part 2 assignment and the “IHS Risk Management Guide” from question 3 before completing this discussion.This discussion is to help prepare you for the ITSP, Part 2 assignment. The concepts being discussed here relate to risk management and business continuity planning from the business perspective. In your ITSP Part 2 assignment you will discuss these topics from an IT perspective. Provide a response to one of the following:Question 5Performance Measures and the Value of IT Conduct some research if necessary and respond to one of the following:Question 6Leadership Characteristics and Strategies We will discuss leadership. This relates to the Leadership Philosophy section of this week’s CIO Memo assignment. There are two aspects, one is the characteristics of a good leader (personality traits, etc.) and the other has to do with the strategies (activities, actions, etc.) that would help the CIO be successful. Refer to last week’s readings and respond to the below question with two good paragraphs:Question 7IT Management and Governance FrameworksConduct some research if necessary and respond to one of the following:Question 8System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)From the research you conducted on the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models, identify which model you would recommend for the IT organization at GGFRT? Relate your choice to one of the strategic objectives of GGFRT and thoroughly explain your answer. In addition, please discuss potential challenges to the successful implementation of the model.
Create an overview of the process and steps involved in human
Create an overview of the process and steps involved in human resource planning, recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and hiring of employees. Develop a comprehensive strategy for training new employees. Focusing on the role of the new employees within the organization. Propose two to four (2-4) training strategies aimed at motivating the employees to learn key aspects about their new jobs. Determine key issues that human resource management employees would be likely to encounter in the health care field. Prepare a plan that will enable the new employees to address each issue which includes instructional strategies, resources that will be utilized, and evaluation criteria for determining success. Design at least three (3) visual components that enhance the program you have outlined, such as charts or diagrams. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Using the Standard Form 86 paper from the previous assignment, conduct an
Using the Standard Form 86 paper from the previous assignment, conduct an interview with the individual (I do not expect you to actually interview anyone, just write it out as if you were) and question them on the areas they had difficulties answering. After completing the interview, complete an adjudication of the individual explaining if you would grant the person a clearance or not. Technical Guidance: This assignment must be at least eight (8) pages (not including title page). Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space. Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework for this class. Papers will be graded using the attached rubric.
nstructions:1. At a minimum include the following: Detailed description of the area
nstructions:1. At a minimum include the following: Detailed description of the area researched Technology involved in the area Future trends in the area Example companies involved in the area Regulatory issues surrounding the area Global implications for the area References (minimum of 10) You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must by at least 10 pages [not including cover page
Question Unit 6 Assignment: Death Penalty: Retributivist v. Utilitarian TheoriesIn this assignment, imagine
Unit 6 Assignment: Death Penalty: Retributivist v. Utilitarian TheoriesIn this assignment, imagine that your state legislature is considering repealing its death penalty and the legislators wish to hear the opinions of the top legal philosophers on both sides of the death penalty debate – imagine yourself as a modern day Jeremy Bentham and present three utilitarian arguments against the death penalty and therefore in favor of its repeal. Then, step into the shoes of a modern day Immanuel Kant and present to the legislature three retributivist arguments in favor of the death penalty and therefore, in opposition to its repeal. For each side of the debate, present each argument in detail, using headings and subheadings to keep your paper well-organized so that it will serve as a useful resource for your state legislators to be able to clearly grasp the key arguments on both sides. Include at least two examples to illustrate the arguments on each side.In addition, the state legislators would like to hear your assessment of which theory of punishment, utilitarian or retributivist, you find most persuasive. Compare the persuasiveness of the two theories and provide a recommendation of which theory the legislators should follow (utilitarian for repeal of the state’s death penalty or retributivist for retention of the state’s death penalty).
Week 3 assignment 1 due in 10hours
Week 3 – Assignment 1 The Dual-Language Dilemma [WLOs: 1, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2] To prepare for this assignment, Read the example of Erin’s language development at the beginning of Chapter 9; Complete the Language Development Self-Check; Read Many Languages, One Classroom (Oliva-Olson, Espinosa, Hayslip, and Magruder, 2018); and Find at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or other credible source of information on dual-language learning. As highlighted in this week’s readings, approximately 20% of U.S. children speak a language other than English (Berk, 2013). In fact, nearly 40 states reported districts that received Title III funding who were implementing at least one dual-language program in the 2012 to 2013 school year (U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition, 2015). Consequently, early childhood professionals need to understand the progression of language development for typically developing children as well as that of children who are dual-language learners. With that in mind, imagine that you are an early educator working in a toddler classroom preparing for Parent and Teacher conferences, and Erin—described in Chapter 9—is in your class. It’s been your practice to write a developmental summary to collect your thoughts in anticipation of the conversation you will have with each family. In this developmental summary, reflect on how you will discuss Erin’s language development given that her parents have decided to teach Erin both English and Spanish. Think about and develop a two- to three-page essay on the dual-language dilemma supported with research findings from your text and at least one additional credible resource. Address the following: Develop a research-based argument on whether it wise or unwise for Marilyn and Oscar to promote bilingualism. Discuss Erin’s mixing of the two languages, indicating if it is the result of confusion or something else. Outline what Erin’s family should expect regarding the impact of dual-language learning on her academic achievement. Explain how the trajectory of language development (i.e., phonological, semantic, grammatical, and pragmatic) is different when students are learning more than one language. Compare how the age at which a child learns a second language impacts the course of language development. The Dual Language Dilemma Assignment Must be two to three pages in length. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.). Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. For assistance on writing Introductions
Question The focus on the paper will address the below topics regarding Facebook’s
The focus on the paper will address the below topics regarding Facebook’s Libra.- Develop and describe a technology lifecycle model (including the time and cost of development, the amount of time to recover the cost, and return on investment (profit) based on the development costs and risks) and/or product lifecycle model (including timing, marketing measures, and costs associated with the life of a product) for the new technology or application- The acceptance process as it relates to the technology or product lifecycle- Please add an abstract page as well.I’ve attached the two previous writings as a basis to form the paper.
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