Week 3 Rhetorical Analysis Planning SheetI.INTRODUCTIONAdvertisements serve two basic function
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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentWeek 3 Rhetorical Analysis Planning SheetI.INTRODUCTIONAdvertisements serve two basic functions: inform and entice you to buy the product orservice within the advertisement.This Subway advertisement is no different.The creator ofthis advertisement uses a few different elements to inform you about the product and topersuade you into purchasing the item on the advertisement.With color, choice of words andthe individual depicted within this advertisement, Subway has the ability to sell the itemwithin the ad and also has the ability to trigger an emotional response from the reader.II.CONTEXT AND DESCRIPTION OF ADVERTISEMENT2012 was a big year for both Subway and Robert Griffin III, Robert Griffin III was theNo. 2 overall pick for the Washington Redskins.This is also the same year Robert Griffin III officially reviled his alliance with Subway.Signing any mainstream actor, artist or athlete is always a win for an advertiser.This ad was first published in late April 2012 to early May 2012, this was after the NFLdraft.While the origin of this ad is unknown we all know, athletes have the ability to moveproducts and services.This advertisement points out the fact the sub only contains 6 grams of fat.Subway likes to be known as the healthy fast-food restaurant.It has been ingrained into your minds that fat is bad therefore Subway advertises the subslow fat content.This advertisement depicts a smiling football player by the name of Robert Griffin IIIThe person in this ad is holding a footballThey use a very well-constructed sub as an example of what the product will look likeIn comparison to the person in the ad the sub is very largeBright yellow colors and used on a green backgroundThe colors complement each other very wellThe footballs sweater is green in color which goes along with the color schemeThe majority of the words used in this ad are upper caseThe ad uses a yellow background on some of the words to make the words stand out

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