What does their website say they will be working on over the next few months?
GVPT 170 Take Home Final Exam Rules:
You can use almost any sources you need…
The textbook.
Class handouts
Your own notes from class and from the readings.
Articles and other sources available through UMUC online library.
Any reputable web sources: TV channels and other media outlets; history websites, etc. Ø Any other books or magazine articles you have read.
Please reference any extra sources carefully.
Please write your answers as a doc, RTF, pdf document and post them in the Assignments folder in Leo.
Part 1: Research a Senate Standing Committee:
Please choose one of the committees listed below. Take a look at their website and answer the questions about it.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee http://www.foreign.senate.gov/
Senate Armed Services Committee http://www.armed-services.senate.gov/
Senate Appropriations Committee http://www.appropriations.senate.gov/
1. The name of the committee you chose:
2. What does their website say they will be working on over the next few months?
3. Explain how they are exercising their oversight function, based on what you can see in our textbook chapter on Congress, and on the committee’s website. (Go into as much detail as you can).
Part 2: Short Essay
Questions: Please choose one question and write a short (700 -900 words each) essay answer.
1. What is Congressional oversight, and how strong is it pursued by Congress today? 2. How can the President check the power of Congress? How can Congress limit the influence of the president?
3. What role does judicial review play in the legal system? Why is it important for the Supreme Court to have the power to decide whether laws are unconstitutional? Deadline: Please submit your exam through Leo
What does their website say they will be working on over the next few months? was first posted on August 21, 2019 at 2:00 pm.
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