What is “marginalization” in the Internet Age, and explain what
Question What is “marginalization” in the Internet Age, and explain what the logic behind it is?
Sociology 200chapter 15 style=”font-size:16px;white-space:normal;color:rgb(68,68,68);font-family:UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>Discuss how Emile Durkheim viewed religion as
Question Sociology 200chapter 15 style=”font-size:16px;white-space:normal;color:rgb(68,68,68);font-family:UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>Discuss how Emile Durkheim viewed religion as an integrative force in human society. Discuss 4 examples from the textbook.Please don’t copy the answer from other students or websites. Thank you so much.
why were chinese and black races segregated from white schools?
Question why were chinese and black races segregated from white schools?
What You’ve Learned about many sociological concepts–the various types of
Question What You’ve Learned about many sociological concepts–the various types of data collection, components of culture, elements of socialization, social groups, etc. discuss which specific concept you found most interesting or surprising, and give some reasons why you chose that concept.
Assignment Title:The # (hashtag) METOO movement (#Times Up Movement)Purpose: The main purpose
Assignment Title:The # (hashtag) METOO movement (#Times Up Movement)Purpose: The main purpose of the Me-too movement Instructions:Pre-WritingIn this course, you read about minority groups, social institutions, and social movements and change. Research online to find a social movement working for social change related to one of the minority groups or institutions Next, two theories related to that minority group or institution help to explain the work of the social movement you researched.TheoriesYour third -two theories related to social movements and social change that help to explain the work of the social movement you researched.Social movement Your last pre-writing step is thinking of recommendations you would make for the social movement’s future.Section 1: IntroductionBegin your paper by briefly describing the social movement you chose: How does the movement refer to itself??Then briefly state which two theories related to that minority group or institution apply to the social movement and why –no more than two sentences per theory.Next briefly state which two theories related to social movements and social change apply to the social movement and why –no more than two sentences per theory.End with a brief list of your recommendations for the social movement’s future. (Don’t explain these recommendations here, in the introduction. You will explain them later in the paper).Section 2: First Theory Related to a Minority Group or InstitutionAnalyze and interpret the social movement according to one of the theories related to an institution or minority group. How does this theory help to explain the work that the movement does in relation to that institution or minority group?Section 3: Second Theory Related to a Minority Group or InstitutionAnalyze and interpret the social movement according to another theory related to the same institution or minority group. How does this theory help to explain the work that the movement does in relation to the institution or minority group? Compare what this second theory helps us understand about the movement with what the first theory you wrote about helps us understand.Section 4: First Theory Related to Social Movements and Social ChangeAnalyze and interpret the social movement according to a theory of social movement and change. How does this theory help to explain the social movement? Section 5: Second Theory Related to Social Movements and ChangeAnalyze and interpret the social movement according to another theory of social movement and change. How does this theory help to explain the social movement? Compare what this second theory helps us understand about the movement with what the first theory you wrote about helps us understand.Section 6: Conclusion—Recommendations for the FutureWhat recommendations would you make for the social movement’s future, based on the challenges and progress you anticipate the movement will experience? What improvements or changes do you think the social movement should make?Assignment Checklist
Media Review. You must select a movie, television series, etc., briefly summarize
Media Review. You must select a movie, television series, etc., briefly summarize its content, and apply three sociological concepts to its analysis. The review should be posted in your journal.Typically, effective reviews are approximately 2 double-spaced pages long. As a general guideline, you should have one detailed paragraph that summarizes the content of your selection. Simply, assume that I’ve never seen it, and let me learn enough about it so that your analysis makes sense.Once you have summarized your choice, you should write approximately one paragraph for each concept that you’ve chosen, explaining how it allows you to view your media selection a little differently than before you applied the concept. For example, you may have watched the series Grey’s Anatomy for a long time, but does considering the role of gender allow you to recognize things that you did not before? How about the concepts of role, status, subculture, resocialization, race, ethnicity, stratification, family, socioeconomic status, credentialism, etc.?The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate that you’ve learned more than mere definitions in this course. As I told you at the beginning, sociology allows you to see the social world a little differently, and this is your opportunity to show that you’ve developed the skill of application. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Your final assignment for the course prior to the final exam is
Your final assignment for the course prior to the final exam is completion of a Media Review. You must select a movie, television series, etc., briefly summarize its content, and apply three sociological concepts to its analysis. The review should be posted in your journal.Typically, effective reviews are approximately 2 double-spaced pages long. As a general guideline, you should have one detailed paragraph that summarizes the content of your selection. Simply, assume that I’ve never seen it, and let me learn enough about it so that your analysis makes sense.Once you have summarized your choice, you should write approximately one paragraph for each concept that you’ve chosen, explaining how it allows you to view your media selection a little differently than before you applied the concept. For example, you may have watched the series Grey’s Anatomy for a long time, but does considering the role of gender allow you to recognize things that you did not before? How about the concepts of role, status, subculture, resocialization, race, ethnicity, stratification, family, socioeconomic status, credentialism, etc.?The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate that you’ve learned more than mere definitions in this course. As I told you at the beginning, sociology allows you to see the social world a little differently, and this is your opportunity to show that you’ve developed the skill of application. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes at least three factors that affect the students’ language acquisition. Think of the language factors present for each student. Choose one scenario, and answer the following questions in a 500‐word essay:
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes at least three factors that affect the students’ language acquisition. Think of the language factors present for each student. Choose one scenario, and answer the following questions in a 500‐word essay:
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes
Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes at least three factors that affect the students’ language acquisition. Think of the language factors present for each student. Choose one scenario, and answer the following questions in a 500‐word essay:
in Race, Ethnicity, and Nation
please complete those question with instructionsMid-Term Review Guide(I already attached my course readings and PPT)2) Short Answers(40 points, 20 pts each): a.Discuss the relationship between race and class. How do the two intersect and how do they inform one another? Your analysis must use two of the following three course concepts: subordinate inclusion, the wages of whiteness, and the color line. b.Discuss “the problem of American democracy” using concepts from either Du Bois or Mills. How does the theorist you chose conceptualize the relationship between race and democracy? Use at least one key term or idea from the author you have chosen, and at least one key term from Omi and Winant. c.All empires struggled to maintain a balance between incorporation and exclusion. Discuss the purpose of this balance and at least two of the practices through which it was maintained. Connect the two practices you discuss to at least one key course concept. .3) Essay(30 points): one page for each questiona.In “The Souls of White Folk,” Du Bois writes: “How easy it is, then, by emphasis and omission to make children believe that every great soul the world ever saw was a white man’s soul; that very great thought the world ever knew was a white man’s thought; that every great deed the world ever did was a white man’s deed; that every great dream the world ever sang was a white man’s dream.” Discuss what Du Bois means by this statement, and its relationship to power- knowledge.In your analysis, be sure to draw on key course concepts, as well as other readings, lectures, or films viewed in class. b.Discussing the economic and political rise of Western European empires, Frederick Cooper writes: “What [various explanations] all have in common… is their tendency to depict this development as essentially autochthonous [coming from within], their tendency to privilege some set of internal variables or ignore altogether the role of colonial conquest and African slavery….” Discuss the relationship between the rise of Western European/American nations and the development of “race.” How were/are nation and race complementary concepts? In writing your essay, be sure to draw on key course concepts, as well as readings, lectures, or films viewed in class.
identify one technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security. Discuss any potential negative uses of that technology. Do the benefits of these technologies outweigh the potential negative conseq
Besides biotechnology, identify one technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security. Discuss any potential negative uses of that technology. Do the benefits of these technologies outweigh the potential negative consequences they have on food security? Why or why not?Be sure to inform your response with facts from sources. Use our ebook/textbook each week and at least one scholarly outside source. You must cite sources in-text and give a full citation at the end of your response.
Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) MLA, APA, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Electronic Submissions of
Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) MLA, APA, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Electronic Submissions of your Citations You will be learning another research method in this class. The APA method (American Psychological Association) is the most favored style among social scientist classes. Information on how to write APA citations is coming from the Purdue Online Writing CenterThe basic citation is as follows: Author, A. A.,
Ethics – Issues of Gender, The Sex Industry, and Human Trafficking
Note: In this exercise, like many other topics explored in this course, we cover controversial issues. People can differ widely in their beliefs and practices related to these issues, as viewpoints are based on many different aspects of their value systems, backgrounds, morals, and religious convictions. These topics are explored in this class because they are part of the social milieu. Whether it makes us uncomfortable, or not, these issues are a part of our modern world and to understand them is to better understand ourselves, our neighbors, and humanity in general. Please remember to remain respectful and tolerant of differing views surrounding the issues we will discuss in this activity.View one or more of the following videos/talks about issues related to sex and/or gender. Note that some portions of these videos my contain sexually explicit discussion and/or language. After viewing the videos/talks, address the following questions in your discussion.
Research is fundamental in the social sciences. A common data collection method
Research is fundamental in the social sciences. A common data collection method is the survey. Let’s look at the survey as a social scientist.Now, let’s discuss the merits and flaws of this survey instrument.For the initial post, address the following:As we discuss these initial discussion questions, please begin thinking about the questions you will be asking for the interview assignment this week and their importance to you as you explore the experiences of others in the helping professions.Survey:What is your satisfaction with The course overallThe course instructor overallThe class sizeBased on your experience, how likely are you to recommend this school to another professional wishing to enroll in our graduate program?How likely are you to recommend online courses at this school to others as a result of taking this course?Please respond to the following questions strongly disagree to strongly agreeLinks on the portal to resources for the course were easy to use.Assignments/exams were reflective of course conceptsThis course stimulated my interest to continue to learn about the conceptsThe workload for this course was reasonableMy level of computer skills was adequate for success in this courseThe course materials supported my learning(includes, syllabus, reading assignments, videos, ect.)The use of technology was optimal for the delivery of this course.Please rate your instructor from strongly disagree to strongly agreeShowed a sincere interest in my successThe instructor’s response to my introduction post made me feel welcomed to the course.The instructors communications each week made the focus for my work cleaThe instructor responded to my questions as per course policy (within 24 hours on weekdays/48 hours on weekends)Guided students to professional educations with journals and texts from the professionsPromoted curiosity to expand application of learningAssigned challenging tasks that helped me to think differentlyDeveloped course activities that promoted learning outside of the classroomProvided relevant content through application to real life healthcare examplesTreated the students with respectEmployed strategies that actively engage students in learningProvided helpful feedback on my performance prior to final course assessmentWould you like to be emailed a copy of your confirmation code verifying that you have completed this survey?300 words. 2 references.
The purpose of this assignment is to go beyond the usual social
The purpose of this assignment is to go beyond the usual social network(s) and realm of understanding in order to build a bridge of understanding about another person from his/her perception about his/her own life experiences in the workplace and or helping professions.Interview two adults: one adult of a different ethnicity/race than yourself and one adult who is at least 10 years older and/or younger than you. You must choose one person from each category, not the same person. Ask him/her the following questions and document the answers for each interview.After you have the aforementioned interview questions answered, please provide the following regarding your findings:Please be sure to inform the people you are interviewing in informed his or her responses will be kept confidential and anonymous and thank him or her for the time spent interviewing with you.Writing Requirements (APA format)Interview Grading Rubric – 150 ptsInterview Grading Rubric – 150 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLengthMeets length requirementDoes not meet length requirement5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterview DetailsThe interview responses reflect a thorough interaction with the interviewee that delves into experiences of and reactions to discrimination.The interview responses are missing many details that suggest a more thorough interaction with the interviewee could have revealed more reflection and analysis regarding experiences of and reactions to discriminationNo effort30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComparisonThe findings show depth of critical thought with a detailed comparison of experiences.The findings show critical thought that compares experiences but may lack some detail that could better support the points.The findings compare some aspects of experiences but some gaps in comparison exist.The comparison of experiences is shallow or unclear.No effort25.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisThe analysis shows depth of critical thought by proposing ways to deal with barriers to communication effectively and by thoroughly examining the value of diversity.The analysis considers ways to deal with barriers to communication and examines the value of diversity but may lack details for a thorough analysis.The analysis needs more depth to explore communication barriers and the value of diversity as a consideration for a more inclusive and functional professional environment.The writing lacks critical thought. The analysis does not consider the barriers to communication or the value of diversity suggesting an insufficient understanding of the environment necessary in the profession setting.No effort25.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationPaper is clear and cohesive. Introduction and conclusion support the overall flow of the paper.Paper is basically clear and well-organized with a minimum of non-related material present.Paper has some issues with clarity, flow, and cohesion. Paper lacks organization.Paper lacks organization and has difficulty staying on track. Central themes are difficult to identify.No effort30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS: I already attached topic statement•Start each annotation with the
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS: I already attached topic statement•Start each annotation with the full and complete citation using either APA (American Psychological Association) or ASA (American Sociological Association) style. For more information, please see https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/a… •3 academic sources o Examples of academic sources: § Article published by a peer-reviewed academic journal § Book published by an academic or university press § Literary publications, textbooks, encyclopedias o Examples of popular sources: § Newspaper articles § Blog posts § Radio and TV broadcasts •Annotate each source by writing out 6-12 sentences of notes that reflect: (1) the main point of the reading you selected, (2) the relationship between the article and your topic, and (3) how you may use this article in your final paper. o Your annotations should be free of major mechanical errors (e.g., spelling), but they do not need to be in full, complete prose. The main point here is to get your ideas flowing on the page. o Please note that in the process of your research, you may search for, download, skim, and even read some articles that are not worth annotating. Only after you are at least somewhat sure that you are going to use an article should you take the time to make annotations.
This assignment is designed to help you get started on your Final
This assignment is designed to help you get started on your Final Research Paper by requiring you to choose the topic and sources you will use, as well as summarize those sources. It will also give your instructor a chance to provide you with feedback on your thesis statement and your topic.Now that you have reviewed the Final Research Paper requirements, you are ready to complete the Week Three Assignment Worksheet, which contains further instructions (if you are on a mobile device or a Mac, you may have trouble clicking on the links within the worksheet. All of the resources linked to in the worksheet are available in the Week 5 Assignment description).In this class, you have three tutoring services available: Paper Review, Live Chat, and Tutor E-mail. Click on the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) tab in the left-navigation menu to learn more about these tutoring options and how to get help with your writing.
with Aid.” Please respond to the following:
Identify the most significant problems with the way foreign aid is presently dispensed by international lending institutions. Then, discuss at least three (3) recommendations that you would make to remedy this situation so that food, medical, and financial assistance actually reaches the poor.
The American Dream: Myths and Realities in Our Kids by Putnam
Thesis Paper: (Due August 27, 2019)Principles of Sociology Fall 2019 (SOC – 1510)Instructions: Down Below: Thesis Paper (APA Format)Read Ch.1 The American Dream: Myths and Realities in Our Kids by Putnam. (Due August 27 by 11:00 am.) Here is a picture of the front of the book we are reading: In 2 double-spaced pages, A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author discusses in the reading, B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole/what are the implications of these findings? C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about. (APA FORMAT) No Plagiarism PleaseHere is a website or summary on said chapter: https://emilykopecky.weebly.com/american-dream-myt…
Define the new economy and explain why the author was
Question Define the new economy and explain why the author was saying “the new economy is not an on-line economy”?
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