What is the Purpose of Catholic Theology?
Throughout this course we have examined numerous facets of Catholic theology. In addition to principles, perspectives, and criteria that help shape and norm theology, we have also studied monotheism, the theological virtues, redemption, and Catholic social teaching. In light of these and other topics, articulate what you understand to be the most important or central goal of Catholic theology. In addition to making a case for what you believe to be the central goal of Catholic theology, also articulate at least three secondary goals and explain how the secondary goals related to the primary goal.
The essay should be one full page, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12pt font with no extra spacing between paragraphs and 1” margins with your name and the title of the essay atop the page. To give you a point of reference, I have formatted the page you are presently reading in the format just described. The essay also needs to include a separate bibliography that lists all references cited in your essay. See the sample bibliography for how to cite Church documents. For in text citations you may simply cite the name of the document followed by the paragraph number. For example: Benedict XVI holds that “all people feel the interior impulse to love authentically” (Caritas in Veritate: 1)
Since this essay is only one page, I recommend two to four short citations that help elucidate your main point. Given the limited space, these quotes should be chosen carefully and selectively. In order for your essay to be graded, all of the just mentioned specifications must be met. If the essay does not meet the length, formatting, and citation requirements, then it will automatically receive a zero grade.
If you wish to submit a rough draft of the essay before the due date (Thursday, December 5) in order to receive feedback, then you must do so no less than 5 days in advance. Essays that meet the criteria listed above will be graded according to the attached rubric. Though submitting a rough draft is not mandatory, it is highly encouraged.
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