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What nursing actions are indicated to maximize the rapeutic effects? (5 pts)

What nursing actions are indicated to maximize the rapeutic effects? (5 pts)


TinaBremmeris a 20-year-old collegestudentwithmoderatepersistentasthma. Shehas a cold.
Whiledashingacrossthecampuson a coldfallday, shesuffersanasthmaattack. Hergirlfriend, whoiswithher,
knowsthatTinakeepshermedicationinherbackpack. SheopensTina’spack, findsaninhaler, andgivesittoher.
Tinausestheinhaler, butinsteadofachievingrelief, shegoesintobronchospasm.
• Lungsoundshavebilateralwheezes, withdiminishedsoundsatbases
• Pulseoximetry 92% onadmissiontothe ER
• Otherphysicalassessmentnormal
• Vitalsigns: temperature, 97.7°F; pulse, 110; respirations, 26 andshallow; bloodpressure, 120/86
Thepatientiscurrentlyonmedicationsthatincludealbuterolinhaler, twopuffs q4h prn,
andflunisolideoralinhalant, 2 puffsbideveryday.
1. ProvidetherationaleforwhyMs. Bremmerisprescribedtheseinhalers. (10 pts)
2. WhatcontraindicationsorprecautionswouldeliminatetheuseofthesedrugsforMs. Bremmer? (5 pts)
3. WhatpatientvariablesaremostimportanttoconsiderforMs. Bremmerwhenassessingherdrugtherapy? (5
4. Whataspectsofcoredrugknowledge (pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, andpharmacodynamics)
areespeciallyrelevanttoconsiderbecausetheymayinteractwiththepatientvariables? (5 pts)
5. Whichofthefindingsfromthenursingassessmentdemonstratetheeffectivenessofdrugtherapy? (5 pts)
6. Whichofthefindingsfromthenursingassessmentdemonstratepossibleadverseeffectsfromthedrugtherapy?
(5 pts)
7. What nursing actions are indicated to maximize the rapeutic effects? (5 pts)
8. Whatnursingactionsareindicatedtominimizeadverseeffects? (5 pts)
9. WhatteachingisrequiredforMs. Bremmerregardingherdrugtherapy?
Includelistofanyadditionaldataneededtodetermineappropriateteaching. (5 pts)


smilesmile. .


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What nursing actions are indicated to maximize the rapeutic effects? (5 pts) was first posted on November 28, 2019 at 9:16 pm.
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