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What query produces the same results as the one below?


What query produces the same results as the one below? style=”color:rgb(45,54,57);”>SELECT Student.StdNo, Student.StdFirstName, Student.StdLastName, Student.StdMajorFROM StudentWHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Enrollment WHERE Enrollment.StdNo = Student.StdNo)
possible answersa. SELECT Student.StdNo, Student.StdFirstName, Student.StdLastName, Student.StdMajorFROM Student, EnrollmentWHERE Enrollment.StdNo = Student.StdNob. SELECT Student.StdNo, Student.StdFirstName, Student.StdLastName, Student.StdMajorFROM StudentWHERE StdNo IN(SELECT DISTINCT StdNo FROM Enrollment)c. SELECT Student.StdNo, Student.StdFirstName, Student.StdLastName, Student.StdMajorFROM StudentLEFT OUTER JOIN Enrollment ON Enrollment.StdNo = Student.StdNoWHERE Enrollment.StdNo IS NOT NULLD. All of the above

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