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What Romans knew 265

Use the Stakeholder Matrix Template to complete an analysis of relevant stakeholders in the organization related to recommendations regarding an organization’s EHR or HIM systems that you made in your first assessment. You will also be asked to create a 3–5-page report detailing your stakeholder analysis and proposing potential ways to create buy-in and overcome obstacles for implementing your recommendations.

Refer to the Vila Health: Value and Evidence-Based Recommendations and Vila Health: Analysis of an EHR System media simulations that you have been using throughout this course. The intended audience for this analysis will be of the stakeholder groups presented in the media simulation.
You have been asked to complete a stakeholder analysis as it relates to informing stakeholders about the process for how you came to your recommendations you previously made regarding the EHR or HIM system at Independence Medical Center. Another aspect of the analysis is to summarize the impact of your recommendations on stakeholder groups and strategies for overcoming barriers related to implementing your recommendations.
Before you begin your analysis, you should consider or complete the following:
• Review the Vila Health scenarios paying close attention to the various stakeholders, their needs, and the challenges they face.
• Review the Stakeholder Matrix Template. You will be completing this as a part of your assessment. So, make sure you understand the types of information you will need to input.
• Research best practices for collaborating with stakeholders to create buy-in and overcome barriers or resistance to implementing new processes or tools in health care settings.
• Research training strategies.
• Research best practices for resource allocation with regards to health information technology.
• Research best practices for designing and implementing workflow changes.

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