Which of the following policies would be most effective in
Question Which of the following policies would be most effective in combatting a recession in the economy?A. Congress could increase taxes while the Federal Reserve increases the discount rate and sells bonds.B. Congress could increase taxes while the Federal Reserve decreases the discount rate and buys bonds.C. Congress could decrease taxes while the Federal Reserve increases the reserve requirement ratio.D. Congress could decrease taxes while the Federal Reserve buys securities and decreases the reserve requirement.E. Congress could decrease taxes while the Federal Reserve sells securities and decreases the discount rate.
How can a business look at how certain cultural differences
Question How can a business look at how certain cultural differences can affect all stakeholders?
how do you contour it? Im not sure how to.
Question how do you contour it? Im not sure how to.
what could be possible bias and un bias messages of
Question what could be possible bias and un bias messages of this image? alt=”Picture1.jpg” /> ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Picture1.jpg WHEN DID HE STOP TREATING YOU LIKE A PRINCESS? It’s never too late to put an end to it.
The hypotenuse of a right triangle is three times the
Question The hypotenuse of a right triangle is three times the length of its first leg. The length of the other leg is four feet. Find the lengths of the first leg and the hypotenuse and enter them in the below spaces in this order. For non-integer answer(s), round your answer(s) to the nearest tenth.
1) Explain the seven common fields the original Netflow used
Question 1) Explain the seven common fields the original Netflow used to define different traffic flows.
An account executive receives a base salary plus a commission.
Question An account executive receives a base salary plus a commission. On $50,000 in monthly sales, the account executive receives $5000. On $60,000 in monthly sales, the account executive receives $5200.(a) Determine a linear function that will yield the compensation y of the sales executive for a given amount of monthly sales x.y=150x 4000 y=frac{1}{50}x 4000(b) Use this model to determine the account executive’s compensation for $80,000 in monthly sales.
The length of a rectangle is 2 cm less than
Question The length of a rectangle is 2 cm less than twice the width. Express as an integer the maximum width of the rectangle when the perimeter is less than 84 cm.
Don’t understand these questions. What’s f(x) equal to in each
Question Don’t understand these questions. What’s f(x) equal to in each scenario? Why or why not is each instance linear? How is the superposition property applied in those that are linear (ie how does each function put in the form f(ax By)? ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 1.32.38 PM.png 2.1 Linear or not? Determine whether each of the following scalar-valued functions of n- vectors is linear. If it is a linear function, give its inner product representation, Le., an n-vector a for which f(x) = a’a for all c. If it is not linear, give specific x, y, or, and B for which superposition fails, i.e., f(or By) # of(x) 8/ (y). (a) The spread of values of the vector, defined as /() = maxx T – mink Ck. (b) The difference of the last element and the first, /(x) = In – $1. (c) The median of an n-vector, where we will assume n = 2k 1 is odd. The median of the vector
How helpful is this course
Question How helpful is this course
Compare Picasso’s Guernica (p. 120) to Goya’s The Third of
Question Compare Picasso’s Guernica (p. 120) to Goya’s The Third of May 1808, 1814 on page 111. Both paintings deal with the subject of war and man’s brutality to man. Even though these artists painted these pictures about one hundred years apart, how are they similar? And, both artists painted in different styles and contexts, so how are these paintings different?
The first question, I do not know how to list
Question The first question, I do not know how to list the formula. The second question, I think it is a decrease in total revenue. Attachment 1 Attachment 2 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment find the equlibrium price, please explain in caluclation details, especially equations.PNG ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment price of elasticity of demand.PNG
1. A patient who is postoperative day one following a
Question 1. A patient who is postoperative day one following a metatarsal amputation is experiencing nausea and vomiting. Consequently, the nurse has administered an intravenous dose of metoclopramide. This drug will relieve the patient’s nausea by A. eradicating H. Pylori bacteria from the patient’s stomach. B. blocking the effect of histamine at H2 receptors. C. stimulating the motility of the patient’s upper GI tract. D. raising the pH of the patient’s gastric contents.
class Student { constructor(studentID,firstName,lastName,dOB,gender,country,address,email,phone,enrolRecord) { this._studentID=studentID; this._firstName=firstName; this._lastName=lastName; this._dOB=dOB; this._gender=gender;
Question class Student { constructor(studentID,firstName,lastName,dOB,gender,country,address,email,phone,enrolRecord) { this._studentID=studentID; this._firstName=firstName; this._lastName=lastName; this._dOB=dOB; this._gender=gender; this._country=country; this._address=address; this._email=email; this._phone=phone; this._enrolRecord = [ { semester: 1, year: 2019, units: [ { code: “ENG1001”, mark: 82, grade: “HD” }, { code: “ENG1005”, mark: 95, grade: “HD” }, { code: “ENG1060”, mark: 72, grade: “D” } ] }, { semester: 2, year: 2019, units: [ { code: “ENG1002”, }, { code: “ENG1003”, }, { code: “ENG1021”, }, { code: “ENG1051”, }, ] } ];enrolUnit(unitCode) { for(let i=0;i=0
20.25 A firm that earns $1 million before‑tax in Brazil
Question 20.25 A firm that earns $1 million before‑tax in Brazil pays Brazilian tax of $250,000 and remits the remaining $750,000 as a dividend to its U.S. parent. It pays a 10% dividend withholding tax on its remittance. Under current U.S. tax law, the parent will owe U.S. tax on this dividend ofa) $40,000b) $340,000c) $15,000d) nothing. It will also receive a foreign tax credit of $90,000.can you explain how do you get the answer
Can there be more than one shiftable line?Sometimes you will
Question Can there be more than one shiftable line?Sometimes you will be given two shiftable lines, in which case you may be required to shift just one, both, or neither of these lines, depending on the instructions. Each graph object with its own separate palette icon will be graded individually.Note: When you are given two lines, the point representing their intersection does not have a palette icon, and this point cannot be moved independently of the lines.Given the following demand (D) and supply (S) lines, shift one or both lines so that the new intersection represented by the black point (plus symbol) occurs at (7, 5).Note: Select and drag one or both of the curves to the desired position. The curves will snap into position, so if you try to move a curve and it snaps back to its original position, just drag it a little farther.
That is the question ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot
Question That is the question ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 3.47.52 PM.png 5. [10 points) Weighted norm. On page 51 of the textbook we discuss the importance of choosing the units or scaling for the individual entries of vectors, when they represent heterogeneous quantities. Another approach is to use a weighted norm of a vector as, defined as llmllw = 1′
There are three parts to the question. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download
Question There are three parts to the question. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 3.48.10 PM.png 4. (12 points) k-means with nonnegative, proportions, or Boolean vectors. Suppose that the vectors T1, . .., IN are clustered using
There’s the question ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-24
Question There’s the question ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 3.58.13 PM.png 1. (10 points) Linear combinations of cash flows. We consider cash flow vectors over T’ time periods, with a positive entry meaning a payment received, and negative meaning a payment made. A (unit) single period loan, at time period t, is the T-vector l that corresponds to a payment received of $1 in period t and a payment made of $(1 r) in period ( 1, with all other payments zero. Here r
The leadership issue of Proton Company
Question The leadership issue of Proton Company
how to justify if the person is carrying on a
Question how to justify if the person is carrying on a business?
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