Write A Class Named Car That Has The Following Member Variables: Year – An
Write a class named Car that has the following member variables: year – An int that holds the car’s model year. make – A string object that holds the make of the car engine – A string object that holds the type of engine of the car. speed – An int that holds the car’s current speed. In addition, the class should have the following member functions. Constructor – The constructor should accept the car’s year and make as arguments and assign these values to the object’s year and make member variables. The constructor should initialize the speed member variable to 0. Accessors – Appropriate accessor functions should be created to allow values to be retrieved from an object’s year, make, engine and speed member variables. Mutator – Appropriate mutator function should be created to allow the value to be set of object’s engine. accelerate -The accelerate function should add 5 to the speed member variable each time it is called . brake – The brake function should subtract 5 from the speed member variable each time it is called . toString – The toString function should return the entire state of the Car class using labels to identify the data values of the data members of the object Demonstrate the class in a program that creates a Car object and then calls the accelerate function five times. After each call to the accelerate function, get the current speed of the car and display it. Then, call the brake function five times. After each call to the brake function, get the current speed of the car and display it. After testing the accelerate and brake functions, call the function to change the engine type and pass it a value for a different engine. display the state of the Car using the toString function
1. Describe The Terms Service Agent And Service Composition With Example. 2. You
1. Describe the terms service agent and service composition with example. 2. You are the IT consultant for the educational institute. You are requested to develop a software application using the service orientation. Explain any two design principles with example.
4. XYZ Company Wants To Develop An App To Automate All Its Business
4. XYZ Company wants to develop an app to automate all its business processes. Business process includes: Marketing – Finance – HR – Production. The company’s consultant analyzes the requirements to develop the system. The management of the company is not reluctant to invest more money. Based on above information, answer the following questions. a) Which service oriented approach can be used to develop above application? Justify your answer. b) Which approach is more suitable for the above scenario to meet the strategic goal associated with service oriented computing?
1. John Is Working As Analyst In The Company. They Are Working On Module
1. John is working as analyst in the company. They are working on module to take the customer detail and update the same. Design the service with REST to indicate their dependency on the uniform contract.
2. You Are The IT Analyst. You Are Working On Project To Automate The
2. You are the IT analyst. You are working on project to automate the process of storing, updating and maintaining information about vehicle. Vehicle can belong to different categories like car, Trucks etc. Each vehicle can be of different models. You can design it using REST or Object oriented architecture. Select an appropriate architecture to design above application and justify your answer. Mention at least three points to justify your answer.
3. You Are Designing A REST Based Web Service Which Can Perform CRUD
3. You are designing a REST based Web service which can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. i. Write the methods that you can use to perform the above operations. ii. Response messages from the service to its consumers are explicitly labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable. a) Which label you will use for designing the above web service? b) Relate the label with the appropriate function of above service. c) Justify your answer.
5. Services Within A Given Boundary Are Designed To Be Naturally Compatible So
5. Services within a given boundary are designed to be naturally compatible so that they can be effectively assembled and reconfigured in response to changing business requirements. This is one of the goals of service oriented architecture [SOA]. The service is designed with REST architecture. The goals of this service are performance, scalability, simplicity, reliability, portability and modifiability. Based on given information answer the following questions. i) Use the appropriate service goals to achieve the above SOA goal. ii) Justify your answer.
NB: All C Programs Should Be Compiled Using C Compiler Application. The Code Should
NB: All C programs should be compiled using C Compiler application. The code should be shown on the document. A screen shot of the running program given as output on the assignment. a). Describe the types of arrays and operations that can be performed of them. [10] b). Write a program to print the multiplication table from 1*1 to 12*10. [10] Example MULTIPLICATION TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
Write A C Program To Find Factorial Of A Number Using Functions. [10]
Write a C program to find factorial of a number using functions. [10]
Write A C Program To Show Sum Of 10 Elements Of Array And Show
Write a C program to show sum of 10 elements of array and show the average. [10]
Q1a)In C Write An Abstract Class Called Shape Which Has The Following Features:
Q1a)In C Write an abstract class called Shape which has the following features: • A shape has a static variable numShapesCreated, which is incremented each time a new Shape is created. • A shape has a private (non-static) ID value which is unique to each new Shape object created. • Shape has a constructor which takes no parameters. The constructor sets the shape object’s ID value, using the value of numShapesCreated. • It has a int getID() method which returns the ID of a shape object. This method should only be accessible to children of the Shape class. • It has a pure virtual method void printInfo(). Q1b) Write a class Circle, which inherits from Shape and adds the following features: • A circle has x and y values, representing the centre of the circle and it has a radius value. • A circle has a constructor which initialises a new circle with its centre point coordinates and its radius. • A circle has a void printInfo() method, which should print the shape’s ID and also information specific to the circle.
Q1) Write A Java Method Static Double[] RandomArray(int N) That Returns An Array Of
Q1) Write a Java method static double[] randomArray(int N) that returns an array of N random numbers, with each number falling between 0.0 and 100.0. Q2) Write a Java class Complex that represents a complex number. Your class should have the following features: • A constructor that accepts two double values (the real part and the imaginary part) to create a complex number. • A void print() method that prints out a representation of the complex number in the form “a ib”, where a and b are the real and imaginary parts of the complex number. • A method Complex add(Complex z) which adds the complex number z to this complex number, returning the result as a new complex number.
Write A C Program That Will Compute The Total Pay Of Each Employee That
write a C program that will compute the total pay of each employee that includes the regular pay and bonus. The program will also compute total payroll amount of the company. The data of the employees will be stored in an array of structure-employee There are 5 employees and NUM_EMPS is defined as a constant. The element of the array-employee has the following members: struct incomeInfo { string id; double pay; double bonus; double totPay; }; incomeInfo employee[NUM_EMPS]; //array declaration Some employees receive bonus and to compute the total pay of the employee, you add the bonus amount to the pay. Use the following procedure and function calls: //This function enters id, pay, and bonus of each employee getIncome (employee, NUM_EMPS); //This function computes the total pay of each employee compute (employee, NUM_EMPS); //This function computes the total payroll of the company Total = payroll (employee, NUM_EMPS); //This displays the detail lines of each employee-Id, Pay, Bonus, Total Pay //and the total payroll of company display (employee, total, NUM_EMPS); Use this data for testing: ID Pay Bonus 123 5000.00 500.25 133 4000.00 0.00 167 3500.75 100.00 156 6200.50 0.00 195 2000.00 300.00 Sample output display: ID Pay Bonus Total Pay 123 5000.00 500.25 5500.25 133 4000.00 0.00 4000.00 167 3500.75 100.00 3600.75 156 6200.50 0.00 6200.50 195 2000.00 300.00 2300.00 Total Payroll amount 21601.50 All the dollar amounts will be rounded to two digits after decimal point. include #include using namespace std; //defining constant #define NUM_EMPS 5 struct incomeInfo { string id; double pay; double bonus; double totPay; }; //to read and store data void getIncome(incomeInfo e[], int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i ) { cout <> e[i].id; cout <> e[i].pay; cout <> e[i].bonus; } } //method to compute total pay double compute(incomeInfo e[], int n) { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i ) { e[i].totPay = e[i].pay e[i].bonus; total = e[i].totPay; } } //method to display void display(incomeInfo e[], double total, int n) { cout << "ID| Pay| Bonus| Total Payn"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i ) cout << e[i].id << "| " << e[i].pay << "| " << e[i].bonus << "| " << e[i].totPay << endl; cout << "Total Payroll amount " << setprecision(3) << total << endl; } int main() {//declaring empolying structure incomeInfo employee[NUM_EMPS]; getIncome(employee, NUM_EMPS); double total = compute(employee, NUM_EMPS); display(employee, total, NUM_EMPS); return 0; } This is what i got so far, I'm not really sure how to implement the function prototypes.
I Installed Python 3.7 And Mysql And Mysqlworkbench,when I Tried To Run It At
I installed python 3.7 and mysql and mysqlworkbench,when i tried to run it at python idle, like import mysql.connector mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host = ‘localhost’,user = ‘Maggie’,passwd = ‘1234’ ) I got an error ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘mysql.connector’; ‘mysql’ is not a package’ The same error when i tried at sublime
Help C Write A Program To Read Style, Dimensions Of A Room And A
Help c Write a program to read style, dimensions of a room and a discount. Calculate the total area of the room plus the total cost. convert the discount an integer Read a carpet style, length, width, and discount from the user The user enters a decimal number for the length and width The user enters a decimal number for the discount, which must be converted to a percent Calculate the cost to carpet the room. The area of the room is multiplied by the cost per square foot. Then a discount is applied and finally, sales tax is added. Cost per square foot is always $5.00. Sales tax is always 6% Display the calculated results to the user.
Q1a) (i) Write A C Function Double Average(double Data[], Int Size) That Computes And
Q1a) (i) Write a C function double average(double data[], int size) that computes and returns the average value of the set of numbers in the data[] array, and where size is the length of the array. (4 marks) (ii) Write a class DataUtils which includes your average() method as a static method of the class. Write an example main() function that shows how this static method would be called. Q1b) An alternative form for the main() function in C/C is: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { … } Write a programme that takes a phrase at the command line and prints out the phrase with the words reversed. For example, the phase “are you as reversible as I am” would be outputted as “am I as reversible as you are”.
Q1a) Write The Code For A Single Java Class Of Your Own Choice That
Q1a) Write the code for a single Java class of your own choice that demonstrates the use of the following features in the Java language: Static member variables The use of super and this Method overriding Identify clearly where in your code each of these points is being demonstrated. Q1b) Write a Java method static double[] randomArray(int N) that returns an array of N random numbers, with each number falling between 0.0 and 1.0. Implement the method so that it is twice as likely that a number falls in the range [0.0,0.5) as in the range [0.5,1.0].
Create A Document About Yourself That Explains Who You Are, Why You Are Going
Create a document about yourself that explains who you are, why you are going to school and what you look forward to learning the most by the end of class. including personal pictures, feel free to use fictitious information. Your document MUST include all of the elements listed below. Feel free to use your creativity with this document! Your document must include: Page or art border Page header Two different fonts Two different font sizes Colored font at some point in the document Underlined or bolded text At least 1 inserted image 1 table (any size) Bullet points Indentation
School Method For Integer Addition And Karatsuba Algorithm For Integer Multiplication Integer Division Your
School Method for Integer Addition and Karatsuba Algorithm for Integer Multiplication Integer Division Your program takes one line as input. The input line contains three integers separated by spaces. Let the three integers be I1, I2, and B. I1 and I2 are both nonnegative integers up to 100 digits long (there are no leading 0s, except when the value itself is 0). B is I1 and I2’s base (B is from 2 to 10).1 Your program should output the sum of I1 and I2, using the school method, then the product of I1 and I2, using the Karatsuba algorithm, and _nally the ratio between I1 and I2 (rounded down). You are asked to come up with a way to perform this division. I2 will not be 0. The results should still use base B. B is Base (for example 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc.) output should verify on these cases: Output at: Output at: For input 203304113112320313010342344201000044101413303023100020144430002114444213113311213134343432001320143 20 5 . Output shouldbe 203304113112320313010342344201000044101413303023100020144430002114444213113311213134343432001320213 4121132312301411310212402434020001432033321111012000403444100042344434312321224313242424140031403410 10140203130341013123014342210022224430043140123402223232221222330444433130413033131442144100041004 . . For input 2050152115105155004531243354030222541554132345035432034314321130543434551311300534 32133240421554152303304135 6 . Output shouldbe 2050152115105155004531243354030222541554132345035432034350454411405433144015005113 111213135224431431034143500544014250351452252413033422051245553330330303322453014515113313053024124501255102 34451252405541351255411135233311325320214123545031144020 . . For input 22434323311222344001420202110322420131201144213434334 3323431401132310013041210130334020134042123200 5 . Output shouldbe 22434332140204300134230220202033101020221333311113034 143021223440122141030300224441100332232201230444013200010012344222122200312011003424310414231214300 3221200 . . For input 152302323413310315221244042001424110153154014124553 13032302554053232402422421310 6 . Output shouldbe 152302323413310315221301114304422203430000440550303 2515040333031050342333340305545110155043213151142151510312503555311051420441230 11311041011113320552553 . . For input 623363501374320636132422004554500732247124426105664512315102244634425276375765670531161 43156047430 8 . Output shouldbe 623363501374320636132422004554500732247124426105664512315102244634425276376031046600611 33600314367421163157071730456244367563136251235307215645357437647656325125015044360313724442314630 13352173110062224612240540335061624403117527267735042463621677661656572316560 . . For input 640356602542982887461446438005210848507222245132398471042649185213049 3801312861312886925997022577262081884 10 . Output shouldbe 640356602542982887461446438005214649820083558019324468065226447294933 2434195789073265364321683072671475632036896590066228483766752989688411259539066159761966350818973823304316 168456695332837796087717979581935
Write A Program And Flowchart. The Program Should Store The Ages Of Six Of
write a program and flowchart. The program should store the ages of six of your friends in an array. store each of the six ages using the assignment operator. Print the ages on- screen using a “for” loop.
The Program Should Be Write In Python 3 Program . Classes We’re Going To
The program should be write in python 3 Program . Classes We’re going to write a program that manages the email address of our contacts. Your program must contain a class named contact that has 3 attributes (instance variables): last name, first name, and email. Your class should also have a method to return the full name and email address for printing when requested. You may add other methods to the class if you like. Please start early in the week that this program is due; this gives you plenty of time to ponder how is should work. Moreover, there will be more to ponder as the course progresses. I am glad to help troubleshoot programs, but I go to bed reasonably early and am unlikely to stay up until midnight of the due date. Each contact should use a single instance of your contact class. You should use either a list or a dictionary to act as a container of the contact instances. Also, the program should have a menu that allows the user to interact with your collection of contacts: displaying contacts or adding new contacts as long as the user wishes, then saying goodbye when finished. The menu should offer these options. Program Options. 1.) Display all contacts 2.) Create new contact 3.) Exit option = input(“Enter 1, 2, or 3: “) There are several examples of this kind of menu program scattered throughout the lecture notes for the first several weeks of the semester. The example most relevant to this assignment comes as the end of the notes on Classes. For full credit. use a python class to represent the contact info and at least one method to print that info. collect each new contact instance in a list or dictionary. please format printed output.
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