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For this assignment (approx 600-700 words), choose one of the so-called “Five Pillars” other than the Shahadah: Salat (daily prayers), Zakat (almsgiving), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan) or the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) and explain in some detail not only how why and how these duties are performed but also what particular Islamic faith affirmations are connected with this practice. Your essay should include at least three references to our readings from the Qur’an as the basis/requirements for the observance or teachings about God and humankind. Be sure to include, either throughout the essay or in a concluding section, some critical reflections or insights about Islam based upon your research.

Use at least one reliable source in addition to the IWR textbook and document your source(s) by using either the MLA or APA format (cite the author and page number or website address in parentheses at the end of a sentence or paragraph and then provide full documentation of the source at the end of the essay).

The text book is”invitation to world religions”

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