You will write an extensive researchpaper 6-8 pageson an entrepreneurship failure. Asyou may be aware, 80% of all small businesses fail
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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentYou will write an extensive researchpaper 6-8 pageson an entrepreneurship failure. Asyou may be aware, 80% of all small businesses fail within the first five years (50% in thefirst yeaYour research paper must answer the following question: Why does this failure happen,and how can it be avoided? You will need to research a small business or use yourentrepreneur that you interviewed to learn about failure. The paper will have threesections.Failure Introduction: Your first 2 pages should be a background of the failedbusiness. What was the business? Who were their competitors? What was their missionor business vision? When did the business start and then fail?Reason for Failure: This section (2 pages) requires your insights and will be alarge part of your grade. You must describe why the business failed. There are manyreasons small companies fail, and you should do some basic research (hint – somescholarly research is required here) to determine the common causes and thencompare this research to your company.Your Analysis: The last section (2 pages) should be what could have beendone, in your opinion and based on the knowledge you received in class (another hint –more scholarly research could be used here), to avert the failure. Could theentrepreneur have planned better? Was the idea sound but the implementation poor?Simply put, as the observer after the fact, how could this business have survived?It is important: Do not write 5 pages on the company and save the last page for thereason and analysis. Please use the guidelines above to ensure that you maximize youreffort on this project.Remember, the point of this research project is for you toevaluatea failure, determinethe causes of the failure, and introduce a way the failure could have been averted. Thisproject will give you some insight for your own potential business idea and help youavoid some of the mistakes others have made. As stated above, failure is common insmall business; conduct some solid research on this project to identify the risks, so youcan create mitigation techniques to increase your chances of success when you ventureout with your plan!GuidelinesPapers must be 6 – 8 pages in length. (There would be roughly one page perarea included in the report.)You must follow APA formatting guidelines. Appropriate citations are required.Include a table of contents.

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