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Your Personal Vision

Discussion 2: Your personal vision
A vision statement is the ideal outcome that you desire for any challenge or situation over the next five to ten years
What do you envision for your own professional career/situation ideally in the long term?
What do you desire for your own professional career/situation?
What if there were no barriers? What would your professional career/situation look like if anything were possible?
What would you desire if you had a magic wand and everything went your way?
Here you need two to three bullet points written in simple present tense without hesitations (woulds, shoulds, strives, my vision is to, etc). Especially, I do not want to see any “strives”. It must be visionary. Remember the vision is invisible because it does not yet exist.
Here is an example with three bullet points:
I am a highly experienced and well known human resources director with a master’s degree in human resources management.
I am sought after by Fortune 500 firms for the results that I consistently produce.
I give back to my professional and my local communities.
What is it going to be for you?
You can also keep it simpler and more down to earth with just two bullet points:
I am a manager at a growing high tech (your choice of field here) company with a bachelor’s in management from CSUN.
I am respected as a results oriented professional who gives back to his/her professional and local communities.
You can also change this vision to have your own successful firm or a non profit organization.
The sky is the limit.
Your vision serves to motivate you so you can pave your path to your own success. Do not allow nay-sayers, disguised as people who want you to be realistic, to “wet-blanket” your vision! The more progress you make towards your vision the better things get! You can always change your ultimate destination at any time (vision). And even if you do not get there exactly, you will definitely make lots of strides forward.

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