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1.  Decide if each statement is True or False. If False,

1.  Decide if each statement is True or False. If False, provide a

counterexample  (stating domain D and the functions f and |f| involved; no explanation required). No proof of true statement requested.

(a.) _ _____ If f is continuous on D, then |f| is continuous on D.

(b) _ _____ If |f| is continuous on D, then f is continuous on D.

#4. For all parts, just state your answers; no explanation required. (You will need to do work to determine the answers, but you are not required to show it.)

Define   for all real numbers x ¹ -2.

(a) To get a feel for how the function behaves, determine each of the following numerical values. That is, substitute a given x-value, simplify as appropriate, and then find the limit as n ® ¥.

f (-1) = _____         f (-1/8) = _____            f (0) = _____        f (1/2) = _____         f (2) = _____

f (-5/4) = _____        f (-3/2) = _____       f (-5/2) = _____        f (-3) = _____       f (- 4) = _____

(b) Determine the numerical value of f(x) for each real number x ¹ -2  —– you should find a relatively simple multi-part formula for f, with domain {x | x ¹ -2}. Just state your formula.
HINT: It can be helpful to plot the points you determined in part (a) to get a sense of the pattern.

(c) For what values of x is f continuous? (no explanation required)

#5. Let f: D ® R be continuous.
Decide if each statement is True or False. If False, provide a counterexample, stating D , f and f(D);
no explanation required. Note that your function f must be continuous. No proof of true statement requested.

(a) ________ If D is bounded, then f(D) is closed.

(b) ________ If D is closed, then f(D) is bounded.

(c) _________ If D is compact, then f(D) is compact. (Recall that compact = closed and bounded.)

#1.Decide if each statement is True or False.If False, provide a counterexample(sta±ng domain D andthe func±onsfand |f| involved; no explana±on required).No proofof true statement requested.(a.)_ _____Iffiscon±nuous on D, then |f| is con±nuous on D.(b)_ _____If |f| is con±nuous on D, thenfis con±nuous on D.#4.For all parts,just state your answers; no explana±on required. (You will need to do work to determinethe answers, but you are not required to show it.)De²nef(x)=limn→∞(x+1)n1+(x+1)nfor all real numbersx2.(a)To get a feel for how the func±on behaves, determine each of the following numerical values. Thatis, subs±tute a givenx-value, simplify as appropriate, and then ²nd the limit asn.f(1)= _____f(1/8) = _____f(0) = _____f(1/2) = _____f(2) = _____f(5/4) = _____f(3/2) = _____f(5/2) = _____f(3) = _____f(4) = _____(b) Determinethenumerical value off(x) for each real numberx2—– you should±nd arelaTvely simplemult-parTformula forf,with domain {x|x2}.Just state your formula.HINT:It can be helpful to plot the points you determined in part (a) to get a sense of the pa³ern.(c) For what values ofxisfcon±nuous? (no explana±on required)Page1of3
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