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307 AAE Individual Project for Logistics and Transport Preparation: Effects of Increased Adoption of Robotics on Employment Research Paper

307AAE Individual Project for Logistics and Transport Preparation (2,000 words)
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Table of Content
List of Figure
List of Table

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature
  3. Methodology

Note:  2,000 words from 1 – 3

  1. References
  2. Appendex

308AAE Individual Project for Logistics and Transport Relisation (10,000 words)
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Table of Content
List of Figure
List of Table

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature
  3. Methodology

Note: 5,000 words for 1 -3 (There is an increase of 3,000 words)

  1. Case Study
  2. Discussion and Recommendation
  3. Conclusion

Note: Another 5.000 words  4- 6

  1. References
  2. Appendix


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