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8MN104: Analyse The Interdependent Relationship That Exists Between ‘Business Strategy’ And ‘Human Resource Management’, DBS,, Ireland

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)

Assessment Task

To undertake this Assignment, you must first form a group. This group is self-appointed.
Analyse the interdependent relationship that exists between ‘Business Strategy’ and ‘Human Resource Management’ within an organisation of your choice.

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To help you with your analysis please read the following carefully:

In your analysis discuss the differences between theory and practice as it relates to the following;

  • The linkages that exist between Business Strategy, and the Management of human resources. ( Best fit approach)
  • The initiatives the HRM function can take, to implement change, in order to support the achievement of a high performing organisational culture. (Best practice approach)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module, learners will be able to:

  1. Prescribe strategically enabling HRM strategies designed to harness the maximum contribution of human resources to organisational success
  2. Assess the practical talent management issues involved in Human Resource Planning
  3. Synthesise the importance of effective recruitment, selection, training and development as a basis of competitive advantage
  4. Evaluate the main methods of managing performance and reward at work
  5. Display analytical ability in the motivation, engagement and retention of employees
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