A 36 year old female presents for evaluation of wheeze while exercising.
) A 36 year old female presents for evaluation of wheeze while exercising. She has no significant
medical history and has always been very healthy. During review of systems she does admit to a general decrease in energy. Lately, but nothing specific. Her cardiopulmonary exam is within normal limits and lungs are clear. Vital signs are: Temperature 97.4o F, Pulse 66 bpm. Respiratory rate is 16 bpm. And blood pressure is 88/56 mm Hg. Office spirometry demonstrates normal airflows and volumes. A basic metabolic panel is as follows: Na + 130 mEq/L, Cl-100 mEq/L, CO2 25 mEq/L, glucose is 74 mg/L, BUN 15 mg/dL and creatinine 0.08 mg/dL. The AGACNP considers which of the following potential etiologies?
A) Hypercotisolism
B) Hypothyroidism
C) Hypoadrenalism
D) Hyperpituitarism
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