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A cylindrical piece of wood of height H, radius r, and uniform density ρc is bobbing up and down in still water with its axis aligned vertically. The density of the water is ρw. Gravity acts vertically downward on the wood with magnitude mg, where m is the wood’s mass. Neglecting friction, the motion of the bobbing wood about its equilibrium depth can be described by A cos (ωt + φ), a function of time t. What is ω?

A cylindrical piece of wood of height H, radius r, and uniform density

ρc is bobbing up and down in still water with its axis aligned vertically. The density of the water is ρw. Gravity acts vertically downward on the wood with magnitude mg, where m is the wood’s mass. Neglecting friction, the motion of the bobbing wood about its equilibrium depth can be described by A cos (ωt + φ), a function of time t. What is ω?

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