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About knowledge management major. School Harvard University

Assignment questions:
Choose ONE of the following three questions:

  • The contemporary interest in Knowledge Management as part of the Knowledge Society is sometimes seen to originate back to Daniel Bell’s (1973) model of Post Industrial Society (Fig 1.1 Hislop, D. et al, Fourth Edition, p4).In the light of the technological revolution since Bell’s book,and the impactthat this revolution has had upon society, organisations and individuals, how far,if at all, would you want to modify or confirm Bell’s characterization of Post Industrial Society and why?


  • What is meant by Objectivist and Practice Based perspectives onknowledge? They are often discussed without any reference to the idea of ‘Truth’ as a universal measure of reality. Why might the idea of truth be both problematic and yet essential in both understanding and managing knowledge bythe individual in society and within the organisation in its environment?


  • Make a case for and against the idea that knowledge processes behind innovation led strategies occur without reference to power, politics and conflict.

You may use either a report or an essay style format. It is important that you define all key terms in your assignment both technical and philosophical. You should use one or more relevant examples grounded in contemporary global issues (e.g. Privacy, Information Control Technology, Corporate Governance, The Labour Market, Poverty, Climate Change, Population Growth, Pollution, Habitat Depletion, Emergent Technologies etc.) that impact on Knowledge Management, Innovation, Organisation, Society and the Individual in a context that is relevant to your choice of question.
Advice and Guidance

  • Whatever your choice of question, be sure to provide examples drawn from organisations with which you have some familiarity and /or interest. In addition, whatever your choice of question consider possible issues arising from the role of ICT in supporting Knowledge Management.
  • The selection of examples and illustrations used in your assignment may be drawn from any organisational context, for example, Joint Stock Companies, Co-operatives, Government Departments, Non-Governmental Organisations (such as The Red Cross, The Red Crescent, and Greenpeace), Trade Associations, Professional Associations, and Trades Unions etc.
  • Be careful not to spend too much of your assignment simply describing either your selected organisation or the examples, or your selected frameworks, models, or concepts. Be sure to analyse critically the various perspectives that arise in your chosen question. For example conflict (disscensus) : Unitary (consensus) and Pluralism ( recognition that conflicting interests can still contain mutual needs facilitating a mutually acceptable compromise settled through negotiation.

How to reference your assignments sources
You must use the University model of referencing based on the Harvard system. It is most important that your references to sources cover all items in your list of references. The citations in the text are included in the word count.Your list of references do not count to the total number of words.
Do not use Appendices.
Total Word limit3000 +/- 10%
Getting started
We expect you to engage with a range of literatures in your essay / report. We have provided you with the following list to select from and get you started. This is by no means an exhaustive list of resources and those looking to achieve high grades should include literature and resources beyond those listed. These literatures are designed to stimulate your thinking and give you an overview of the breadth of the debate with which youare engaging.
Key Readings
Alvesson, M., & Kärreman, D. (2001). Odd couple: Making sense of the curious concept of knowledge management. Journal of Management Studies, 38(7), 995-1018
Alvesson, M. (2007) Unravelling HRM: identity, ceremony and control in a management consulting firm. Organization Science, 18(4), 711-723.
Bell, Daniel. (1974) The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. Harper Colophon Books, New York.
Bengt‐Åke Lundvall (2007) National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool Published online: 05 Feb, pages 95-119
Burrell, G., & Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological paradigms and organizational analysis: Elements of the sociology of corporate life. England: Ashgate publishing Limited, cph 1-2-3
Conway, S and Steward, F (2009) Managing and Shaping Innovation, OUP, Oxford.
Dahlander, L, and D M Gann. 2010. “How Open Is Innovation?” Research Policy 39 (6). Elsevier: 699 – 709.
Davis, P, Natale, S. M., Libertella, A.F. (2017) The Role of Truth in Moral Reasoning, in International Journal of Decision Ethics, Vol. X, Spring 2017,pp139 -156
Driver, M., 2002, The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or Utopian sunshine? Human Relations, 55(1), pp. 33-53
Gourlay, S. (2006). Conceptualizing knowledge creation: A critique of nonaka’s theory*. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1415-1436
Hassard, J., & Kelemen, M. (2002). Production and consumption in organizational knowledge: The case of the paradigms debate’. Organization, 9(2), 331-355
Hislop, D. (2018). Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction (fourth edition). Oxford University Press. Donald Hislop (2003) The Complex Relations Between Communities of Practice and the Implementation of Technological Innovations, International Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 07, No. 02, pp. 163-188
Jashapara, A. (2007). Moving beyond tacit and explicit distinctions: A realist theory of organizational knowledge. Journal of Information Science, 33(6), 752-766
Mazzucato, M. (2013) The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public v Private Sector Myths, Anthem Press, London
Spender, J-C. and Kessler, E.M. (1995) Managing the uncertainties of innovation: extending Thompson (1967). Human Relations, 48(1), 35-56.
Srivastava, A., Bartol, K. and Locke, E. (2006) Empowering leadership in management teams: effects on knowledge sharing, efficacy and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 49(6), 1239-1251.
Quinn, M. & Courtney, R. (2014) The Public Sector as an Entrepreneur. In Liddle, J. (2016) Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Vol 6, Emerald, London

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