ACC 660 Module Four Presentation: Financial Health Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: As controller, you have been asked to give a PowerPoint presentation
ACC 660 Module Four Presentation: Financial Health Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: In this assignment, you will build off the work you completed in the Module Two financial health report memo by focusing on the same company and preparing a presentation on its financial health. As controller, you have been asked to give a PowerPoint presentation to the company’s board of directors at the year-end meeting. Using the financial ratio information from your research in the Module Two memo activity, prepare a PowerPoint presentation to discuss your company’s financial condition. 1. Provide a summary of the comparison of the selected company’s financial ratios to those of a competitor. 2. Where are your company’s ratios strong, and where is there room for improvement? 3. What recommendation would you make to improve the selected company’s financial ratios? (Expand on your recommendations from the Module Two memo.) Provide a more detailed rationale for choosing this strategy. If your recommendation is different from the recommended strategy you identified in the Module Two memo, explain why. 4. Based on the company’s mission statement, does the recommended strategy above align with company’s mission? Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation must be submitted as an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint document with detailed speaker notes and at least three scholarly resources cited in APA format. The presentation must use the ratio information from the memo assignment in Module Two. However, the goal of the presentation is to expand upon the following critical elements from the Module Two memo assignment: “Decision of What Steps Can Be Taken To Increase Performance” and “Recommendations.” Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Summary of Financial Ratio Comparison Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides rationale as to why the ratio analysis led to further action (100%) Provides a clear and concise summary of the ratio comparison completed in the Module Two memo assignment (90%) Fails to communicate the results of the ratios from the Module Two memo assignment in an understandable way (70%) Does not provide a summary of the ratio comparison (0%) 15 Highlight Strong Ratio Information as Well as Where There Is Room For Improvement Provides evidence of ratios that demonstrate information supporting the areas of strong performance and areas of improvement (100%) Provides evidence of ratios supporting either strengths or weaknesses, but not both (70%) Does not provide evidence supported by ratios (0%) 20 Recommendation of Strategy and Rationale Meets “Proficient” criteria and supports rationale with scholarly articles (100%) Provides a clear and concise rationale of why the recommended strategy was selected (90%) Is vague or unclear about why the selected strategy was selected (70%) Does not provide a rationale (0%) 30 Does the Recommended Strategy Align With Company’s Mission? Meets “Proficient” criteria and directly relates strategy rationale to specifics in the company’s mission statement (100%) Clearly communicates how the strategy selected supports the company’s mission (90%) Fails to show how the strategy is related to the company’s mission statement (70%) Does not provide company’s mission statement or alignment (0%) 30 Speaker Notes Mechanics and style ensure clarity; incorporates multiple properly cited scholarly resources (100%) Mechanics and style promote clarity; incorporates some properly cited scholarly resources (90%) Mechanics and style make narration intelligible; incorporates very few properly cited scholarly resources (70%) Several mechanical errors OR does not incorporate scholarly resources (0%) 5 Total 100%
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