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Add arrays to your program to handle more data.

Week 5: Add arrays to your program to handle more data.

Examples: In the programming

tutorial, add a tutorial on working with arrays. Then use arrays to store the answers to multiple questions so that you can compute a total score.

Week 5: Add arrays to your program to handle more data.Examples: In the programming tutorial, add a tutorial on working with arrays. Then use arrays tostore the answers to multiple questions so that you can compute a total score.“ This week I am adding arrays to this program”#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){char ch=’Y’;int gateNo; // integer for gate numberint choice;cout << “Menu” << endl;cout << “1. Check movies, their ±me and gate\n2. Exit\n”;//validate user input in a loopwhile(true) {cin >> choice;if(choice < 1 || choice > 2) {cout << “Menu” << endl;cout << “1. Check movies, their ±me and gate\n2. Exit\n”;} else {break;}
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