African American Males Ages 14 to 19 Who Sales Drugs
Paper needs to be written in scholarly format for dissertation. Needs to be a minumum of 28 pages in length. Completed by May 15th. The study is to be completed on African American males ages 14-19 who are incarcerated, and who sell drugs. Chapter 1-Background of the Study,Statement of the Problem,Purpose of the Study,Sinificance of the Study,Theoretical Framework. All sections should include researched information on the following theories, Cultural sensitivity theory,motivation theory,moral/ethical decision-making theory,economic theory and race theory.
Must have a reference page at the end!
Research Questions that will guide the study are:
1.What are the enviromental factors that contribute to the decision by which African American youth between the ages of 14-19 decide to participate in drug trafficking.
2.What do African American male youth between the ages of 14-19 perceive to be the reasons why they engage in drug trafficking behaviors.
3.What types of preventative programming could be developed to reduce the incident of African American male youth engaging in drug trafficking behaviors.
Chapter 2 Literature Review,
This section should be a minumum of 20 pages.This should also include references. Information on the theories,cultural sensitivity theory,motivation theory,moral/ethical decision making theory,economic theory and race theory. What does the current literature say about African American males ages 14-19 dealing drugs?
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Methodology
This section should be a minimum of 5 pages. Should include Mixed Methods Methodology, the definition of Mixed Methods. A discussion on Mixed Methods from the research text.
1.Demographic survey to establish characteristics of drug traffickers,socio-economics status, where they live, parental presence, education, success in school,etc
2.Identify a Instrument, that determines what motivates their decision-making process to engage in drug trafficking.
Instrument can be one that’s already reliable and verified.
1.Focus groups with incarcerated youth identified through the quantitative phase
2 . Introduce interviews with same population.
3. Outline of a program with components based on data collected from the incarcerated youth.
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