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An Analysis and Evaluation of Business Strategies and Competitive Threats.

An Analysis and Evaluation of Business Strategies and Competitive Threats.

An Analysis and Evaluation of Business Strategies and Competitive Threats. TASK:To Analyse and Evaluate Business Strategies and key Competitive Threats LENGTH OF ASSIGNMENT:Approximately 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: The Assignment should encompass the following 2 sections: Section 1: Mergers, Acquisition and Divestment Strategy; Choose 1 industry from the following categories: Category 1: FMCG industry Category 2: Energy and Mining industries Category 3: Fashion & Luxury Goods( GUCCI, ARMONI, VERSACE,PRADA,BURBERRY,BVLGARI) Category 4: Automobiles Category 5: Alcoholic Drinks Industry Using the industry (one industry) selected. Examine some of the most significant Mergers and Acquisitions in the period 2008-2014. Choose a small number of companies. Using at least 2 different companies Examine their Merger, Acquisition and Divestment (sale of a business) strategies that they have pursued in the period 2008-2014. Analyse the main strategic reasons behind why they have chosen these methods. -Try to investigate the overall strategy behind these decisions, -What were they trying to achieve? -Where there some developments/changes in the industry that led them to undertake these moves e.g competition, rival takeovers,technology etc. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)s

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