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APUS Human Resource Function vs Strategic Human Resource Partner Role Questions

Question Description

It is often stated that HR deals with the problem not the cause of the problem – please explain why this may or may not be true. 250-350 words, no cover page needed. Please limit the citations.

  • What is the difference between a person doing the daily operations of a human resource function versus the role of a strategic human resource partner?
  • At what level in the organization do you become strategic?
  • Compare and contrast the role of a strategic Human Resource Partner in a national and global organization.

Booth, B. A. (2001). Assuming the strategic business partner role: The transformation of human resources. (Order No. 9995152, Cornell University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 114-114 p. Retrieved from
Choo, S. S., Halim, H., & Keng-Howe, I. (2010). THE IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF CEO IN HR. International Journal of Business Studies, 18(1), 101-124. Retrieved from

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