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As Part Of Your Role As A Human Resources Manager, You Will Be Dealing With Grievance: Human Resource Management (HRM) Assignment

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)

Assignment Overview:

As part of your role as a human resources manager, you will be dealing with grievance and performance management.
Please discuss using the following headings.

  • Critically discuss the theoretical concepts around HRM to include evolution, nature, scope, and goals of HRM
  • Critically discuss the overall relevance of strategic HRM to organizational performance and business strategy

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  • Discuss and critically analyze effective grievance and disciplinary procedures within your organization
  • Discuss the benefits of performance management and formulate performance management systems for roles within your organization giving a rationale for your choice of systems
  • Start with general introduction Main Body: use the four headings above Finish with a conclusion
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