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ASCI 404:

Question Description

Post your thorough and complete answers to any two of the following scenarios. Provide the scenario number in your answer.
Scenario 1
A secretary employed by a U.S. aircraft dealership regularly works 9 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The secretary’s duties include filling in the blanks in all of the various form documents needed to close aircraft sales and being present during closings to type up any changes that may arise. Sometimes, closings are not completed until after 5 pm. This most often happens on Fridays. When that happens, the secretary is allowed to come to work later the following workday morning to compensate for having worked late to help finish closing the sale.

  • Is the employer in compliance with the law? Explain.
  • If this is a violation, what are the possible consequences to the employer?

Scenario 2
South Carolina is an employment at will state. Management of an aerospace manufacturing plant located there learns the identities of a half-dozen of the company’s machinists who are surreptitiously circulating authorization cards among their co-workers in an effort to become represented by a union.

  • Is the company running any legal risks if it fires those employees without stating a reason for their discharge?
  • Explain.

Practical Aviation & Aerospace Law

  • Chapter 16 – Labor and Employment Law, Generally
  • Chapter 17 – Air Carrier Labor Law
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