Early Childhood Education and Care
Assignment Guidelines: (word count: 3000 words)
“Assessment and Subject Knowledge in Early Childhood Education and Care”( module name)
Q- Choose an area of learning from the EYFS framework (UK). Drawing on your reading of the key texts, and your observation of a child, what do you consider the key issues in assessing this area of learning?
Details of writing assignment:
Discuss all of the following aspects,
- Discuss and reflect on the different approaches to assessing children, and curricula within the different curriculum documents.
– (Use Singapore curriculum and discuss one area with compare with EYFS)
- Separate the areas, looking different approach the area of learning, critic by link area of EYFS.)
- High level of comprehension of contemporary issues in assessment of early years curricula.
- Excellent understanding of key themes and concepts in two early years curricula.
- Ethical issues explicitly addressed with reference to relevant reading.
- Critically examine the ways in which different early years curricula are developed and maintained.
– (Discuss other early year’s curriculum, example: Scotland, New Zealand curriculum, Montessori, Reggio Emilia Approach)
- (Imposed as govt. level EYFS, 2012) and history of different curricula.
- (Able to select and apply specific theories to child observation. Able to apply theory to –practice of assessment of curriculum areas.)
- Critically examine the factors that influence the interpretation and implementation of the early year’s curriculum by practitioners
– (what issues of practitioners face to deliver this curriculum.)
- (Inclusion issues are SEN, culture and family background English as additional language, PEDAGOGY and learning theories).
- Excellent relationship of recent research to practice.
- Evidence of independent research into early years curriculum.
- Evidence of reflection upon a wide range of inclusion issues and barriers to participation, and how these may affect
You are asked explicitly to focus on the issues of assessment of the EYFS framework for England. However, key texts have included curricula from a variety of countries. You should refer to at least one of the other curricula studied, for help look week A
Week A folder
– Comparing approaches.docx | ||
– | HighScope.docx http://www.highscope.org/Content.asp?ContentId=86 |
Infant-ToddlerCurriculum_3-13-15.pdf | ||
Jamaica.pdf |
South Africa.pdf | ||
Special_Needs2015.pdf |
World Bank Turkey report 2013.pdf |
- Top of Form
- Download folder
- You should consider issues of inclusion and the barriers to learning and progress that they may present. Refer to the study week B.
Week B folder
A Child in Our Time.docx | ||
A_Better_Start Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education.pdf |
Early Childhood Education and Care and poverty.pdf | ||
Early Education countering socio-economic disadvantage.pdf |
Kindergarten readiness.pdf | ||
Secret Life of 5 year olds.docx |
shared book reading and dual language learners.pdf | ||
Strong Foundations for Gender Equality in Early Childhood Education.pdf |
The REggio Effect and Inclusive Early Childhood Programs.pdf |
Top of Form
Download folder
Bottom of Form
- You should consider theories of child development and pedagogy and the extent to which the practice of assessment in the early years may contradict these theories.
- You should refer to your child observation for examples of the issues that may be encountered when assessing the progress a young child in one area of learning.
- Your observation should be referenced with your student number and the date of the observation, e.g. (U123, 7/11/16). It should also appear in your reference list: U123 (2016), Observation of Child.
layout of assignment:
Title: The key issues in assessing personal, social, emotional development (PSED)
(Use child observation sheet for writing its area of development PSED and asses issues.)
You should include: (In third person but observation will be use in first person.)
- An introduction outlining how you intend to proceed with this assignment, and a statement regarding your approach to the ethics of research involving young children, families and settings. (Use Bera ethical document for writing this, I attached herewith.) Why have you chosen this curriculum area?
How did you ensure that your approach was ethical? Link to reading on ethics
Ethical statement should cover:
- Child protection and family/ setting anonymity
- Your duty as an academic observer to represent the child truthfully.
(The BERA statement should be helpful in finding the wording) Attached herewith.
- The area of learning (PSED)on which you are concentrating
- A summary of reading about this area of learning, including the approaches taken to this area in at least one other curriculum
- The issues of assessing this area, backed up with examples from your observation, and wider reading in inclusion, pedagogy/ learning theory and at least one other curriculum
- A conclusion summarising your argument
- A reference list correctly presented using Harvard referencing conventions
Comparing approaches: English (EYFS) and Singapore (Kindergarten)
Bottom of Form
1- Areas of learning
2- Assessment (issues)
3-Inclusion (issues)
4-Link to pedagogy
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