Assignment #2- Policy Implementation (17.5 points)Assignment
Assignment #2- Policy Implementation (17.5 points)
2 should build on Assignment #1. You will base your report on the same health problem, the same health policy, and the same federal legislation that you used in Assignment 1. Do Assignment 2 using the table format as specified below.
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HGMT 310 Assignment #Student Name:Type your name here.Assignment #2 Title:Provide the title of your topic in this section and the oFcialAgency Responsible:Identify the agency and subunit (such as a bureau or oFceindicate who is responsible for what.Enforcement:What federal or state agency is responsible for enforcemenImplementation:How is the legislation implemented? Discuss any programscharged with its implementation? Indicate how the followinachieve the aims of the policy: (1) local public health deparorganizations? Are grants awarded as part of the implemenImpact on Health Service Organizations:What does a Health Care Manager need to know about thislegislation impacts health services organizations operatingResource:What speciFc resource would a health organization utilize tservices organizations generally? Provide a citation of the r
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